Tip 8: Use Guided Search and Pin Consistently

The Guided Search helps you figure out what type of information the vast majority of people are in search for through the Pinterest network.

In the search bar, you’ll find some titled words; select the relevant words from those titles for your pin description.

The most amazing thing about Pinterest is that pins typically can last longer for clicks than for Facebook, particularly if you’re creating great content. However, to boost organic traffic to your website, pinning consistently is a must, and that implies doing it on an everyday basis.

To achieve optimum results, try pinning 12 different pins every day. These are supposed to be a blend of pins redirecting to your blog and those that would serve as useful resources for your readers.

Those who pin consistently are rewarded by Pinterest; their pins are visible to more of the followers with time, and to more people again and again.

Tip 9: Be Resolute

It can be more difficult to get more followers generally in most social networks as they grow and expand, but on Pinterest, your efforts will pay off elegantly once you’re ready to spend the time and pin regularly.

Experientially, you can begin to see more traffic from Pinterest once you’re ready to stick to consistent pinning for a minimum of 12 months.

However, don’t wait and expect a traffic flow from pinning alone. If you’re in a hurry to start getting results, then you’ll highly likely buy it via Promoted Pins.

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Specialk3749 Premium
I have been trying to figure out Pinterest in the past couple of days. Thank you for the tips!

Israel17 Premium
Good to know, Karen! I hope you would find this training useful! Leverage Pinterest and drive real and targeted visitors to your site in no distant time. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji
Jenny28 Premium
Thanks so much for this training. Very helpful.
Israel17 Premium
Glad you found this tutorial helpful, Jenny! Pinterest is the best when it comes to socializing to build organic traffic to a blog. The Pinterest search engine can help ship tons of traffic to your blog if leveraged the right way.

Israel Olatunji
Feochadan Premium Plus
Awesome training!

I'm just wondering how you create these rich pins. I had never heard of them before.
Israel17 Premium
Rest assured, Feochadan, my next training will answer your question about using rich pins. I will create a comprehensive training that explains the steps to installing rich pins on your blog. Please, watch out for this!

Israel Olatunji
ERichardson1 Premium
Good afternoon my friend, yes I've been using this social media platform for about a year now and I have built up a great many of followers however, I'm still touring around with it because I'm not able to put up blogs as you know, that's what I like to do. Have a great day my friend.
Israel17 Premium
Wow, Richard! Good to know you've been active for over a year on Pinterest building traffic to your blog, my awesome friend! I'm happy you are blogging the right way, utilizing social traffic through Pinterest to build credibility for your brand. Thanks for contributing your quotas to this tutorial!

Israel Olatunji
ERichardson1 Premium
Good evening my friend, you're quite welcome we are family here.
ACPetronelli Premium
Excited to learn more about Pinterest ! Thanks !
Israel17 Premium
You're much welcome onboard, ACPetronelli! Pinterest is still the best social network when it comes to driving huge traffic to your blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji