This is how your Pinterest Homepage looks like. You have listed pins with images and links to the interest you mentioned before.

On the top, in the left corner is the logo of Pinterest, and whenever you press it you go on the Homepage. After that is the Search tab, where you can enter keywords and search pins by them. The three icons on the right are for:

1. List of Saved pins

2. Categories (here you can follow new interests)

3. Notifications for new pins and boards added, for your own activity and activity of your friends (followers and follows).

When you move the pointer you can see that the red button with a pin and Save is shown. that means that each of these pins shown on your dashboard you can save them on your account, so you can see them later.

If you press on the image (not on the button) the pin opens, so you can read it. You can save it also from here if you press on the button Save.

There are also shown pins similar to the one that you opened.

Bellow the image of the pin, there is a description what is the pin for, who saved the article, button Read it that leads you to the webpage where the article is originally written. There is also information who saved this pin and in which board, and also a place for comments.

When you go on the Saved icon it will transfer you to your savings and settings.

The first icon leads you to your account settings, where you can edit them.

The next button is for finding your connections.

You can see which of your connections, from different social media accounts, are already on Pinterest, and follow them, so they can also follow you. You can also invite those who don't use Pinterest to sign up and follow you.

If you have a list of your followers from your page, it would be very useful if you invite them to follow you, so they will be updated with the new posts you add on your website, and that is how you will gain organic views and returners to your site.

The last icon (the three dots) is for additional options and logging out.

1. Here you can switch your Pinterest account from Basic to Business, what is very recommendable if you own website. But, the guidelines for this will be in my next tutorial.

2. In Visit the Help Center you can ask for any help and support you need regarding you account.

3. You have a chance to Contact a Pinterest expert.

4. Read the Terms and Policies.

5. And Log out at the end. Usually people have difficulties finding the log out button. :) So here it is.

But don't log out yet. We still have what to learn. Press Next!

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Loes Premium
Great training, a lot of work!
AniGago Premium
Thanks Loes.
gardenguy Premium
Thank you Anita.....saved everything. Great post.

AniGago Premium
I am happy you liked it.
jcmackenroth Premium
Great training for Pinterest Beginners :)
AniGago Premium
bigrog44 Premium
I have Pinterest. If you want to you can follow and I'll follow you back. My name is Roger Bohn. If I have time tonight I'm going to try to complete what I've been doing for the last couple weeks on my dream board.
AniGago Premium
I think I already have you on Pinterest, but anyway here is my link
bigrog44 Premium
I just followed you, Ani.
AniGago Premium
Thanks. I will follow you back.
bigrog44 Premium
No problem. I'm trying to follow more people from Wealthy Affiliates.
MKearns Premium
Very impressive and useful Anita. A savable work well done! You rock!
AniGago Premium
Thanks Michael. I hope it's helpful.