Cool Research Techniques
(1) Over 590,000 Niches
Access to 590,000 niches is at your fingertips. Not only are they free to access, but they are organized in a logical way, allowing you to break down high level niches to find sub-categories that you could easily promote to.
There is a website called that has been around for quite some time. People have never realized the power in this open-directory project. This is in fact the largest human-edited directory on the web listing over 4.8 million websites and 590,000 categories.
Here is a link to the site:
(2) Finding Industry and Niche Trends
Interested in following the hottest trends? Well we do. There is a great tool out there and it is provided by a company that you have probably heard of...Google! Good ol' Google coming to the rescue with some timely and relevant trend information for us to utilize for our research.
Jumping on trends works great! At any time of the year there will be stories and products that people are following online and offline. You can take advantage of these stories and leverage their hype; you will be able to milk them for all they are worth. This requires relatively quick action on your part, but if you are quick to the drawing board, there is great potential.
Each day Google releases the top 100 trends within its Hot Trends section. You can find this by using the following link:
You can also get historical and seasonal data using Google Trends:
(3) Going to the "Shopping" Mall to Find Niches
Imagine if you could sit in the shopping mall and ask people exactly what they are buying or what they are looking to buy. This would be great, wouldn't it? What we are going to show you is something called the "Consumer Demand Index". This is basically a sophisticated term for "What People Are Shopping for Online".
This index can be found on, which is one of the largest shopping and consumer review networks online (and owned by ebay). Here you will find a wide range of different products and niches that you can use to accelerate your research.