Author ChrisScott
Rank 23001

Please Read All Below Text Before Beginning Part Two of Online Store With Woocommerce;

Warning: All 3 Parts of this Series of the Online Store with Woocommerce Trainer is a Little More Techie Than Others and is Intended for Those who Have Been at Wealthy Affiliate at least a Few Months.

If you Have NOT Watched Part 1 Please Do This First by Clicking Here

Online Stores are Very Popular and one of if not THE Best Ways is with WooCommerce.

Thank you in Advance for Watching

An Online Store with Woocommerce is Great for those who;

  • Want to Have an Affiliate Online Store and sell Other People's Stuff such as Amazon.
  • Want to sell Virtual Things like eBooks or Power Point Presentations or Files
  • Want to sell Their Own Stuff.
  • Want to sell Variable Stuff of Different Shapes, Sizes, Colors, or Textures whether Their own or an Affiliate's Products.

What we Covered in Part 1;

  • We Installed the WooCommerce Plugin
  • We Installed the HomePage Control Plugin
  • We Installed the StoreFront Theme by WooThemes
  • We Set up our Store Pages and Checkout and Cart
  • We Discussed Basic Operations and Purposes of WooCommerce

What We Will Be Covering in This 2nd Part;

  • Create a Blog Page
  • Put Blog Page in Menu and Reorder Menu
  • Set the Template on All Our Newly Formed Woocommerce Pages
  • Set the Homepage as Our Homepage
  • Set the Blog Page as the Blog Page
  • Set Post Type for SEO Purposes
  • We Will Learn to Create Sliders
  • Place Some Widgets in the Right Sidebar

Note: Slide Images I Load Were Pre-Loaded From

Note: Although not shown in Video Trainer Above, it is very important that you create a Child Theme to preserve the integrity of alteration, and Editing of a Theme when Updates are released. If you do not create a child theme then future Updates of a Theme Can and Probably WILL Overwrite any editings Prior.

Ifyou need to know how to create a Child Theme, Please Click Here.


add_action( 'init', 'child_theme_init' );

function child_theme_init() {

add_action( 'storefront_before_content', 'woa_add_full_slider', 5 );


function woa_add_full_slider() { ?>

<div id="slider">

<?php echo do_shortcode("[metaslider id=XXX percentwidth=100 restrict_to=home]"); ?>


<?php }

  • Remove All Default Items Out of the Right Sidebar
  • Place WooCommerce Cart in Sidebar
  • Add Price Filter in Sidebar
  • Add Product Category in Sidebar
  • Add Reviews in Sidebar
  • Add Top Rated Products in Sidebar
  • We Will Have Fun Fun Fun till Kyle Takes my Publishing Rights Away!!!! Hey!!

What we Will Cover in Part 3;

  • Go Over Basic Settings of Woocommerce
  • We Will Learn to Create An Affiliate Product
  • Install the “WooCommerce Social Media Share Plugin.”
  • We Will Learn to Create Virtual Products....(Such as eBooks or Power Point Presentations)
  • We Will Learn to Create a Simple Product
  • Show How to Add Categories to Menu
  • Show How to Add Images to Categories
  • Test Check Out
  • Customize the Website to Make it Look Pretty.

PS. I am Truly Humbled at the Comments and Love Shown to me. Thank you all so much!!

Thanks in Advance for your prayers. I will be having Surgery later this month unless they put it off to remove scar tissue from my gut I acquired during times best forgotten. This will allow me to digest solid foods like normal bears. I am so excited.

I asked the surgeon if I would be able to play the piano after the surgery and she said, "Well Of Course!!" This has me so excited because I never could before!!

PSS. Please Pray For the Wonderful People of Great Britain. My Heart Hurts SOOOOO Bad.

Update: Please See Part 3 by Clicking Here

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Triblu Premium
Hey Chris,

In the Theme Functions file, when you type in the slider ID (44), would that not become overwritten the next time you update the site's theme? In other words, would it not be better to create a child theme for that file to exist in?
ChrisScott Premium
Well, of course, you are right. The coding would have been wiped out with the next update. Wat to be there beautiful.

I did not think of it because it is not real but people who are following me are really depending on it. Thanks for having my back. I'll add this to the text above.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you so very much for watching. Now Please Enjoy:
drcmaint Premium
Thanks for this.
ChrisScott Premium
You are very welcome, John.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you so very much for watching. Now Please Enjoy:
Paul1916 Premium
Thanks Chris, this training is awesome!
Looking forward to part 3!
Much appreciated
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you, Paul. I appreciate your valuable time watching this training and I would love to be part of you taking woocommerce to the top of Google.

Thanks, bro. Means tons.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you so very much for watching. Now Please Enjoy:
MarionBlack Premium
You are one crazy Teddy Bear
ChrisScott Premium
I am so happy that you think so because sometimes I'm worried that I am being misunderstood. If it is any way possible please pray about accompanying Steve when he comes State Side because he is coming in a few months and I'd love to see your face. I'll spoil you both.
MarionBlack Premium
Lovely thought TB. I'm not sure if travelling is still one of my options.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you so very much for watching. Now Please Enjoy:
ChrisScott Premium
Oh, I pray so, Marion. However, if we never meet here, I'll see you there. Meet me just inside the Eastern Gate.
mybiz4u Premium
Thnx, TB. You rock!!
ChrisScott Premium
You rock too, buddy. Thanks, Michelle.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you so very much for watching. Now Please Enjoy:
mybiz4u Premium
I'm on it! Thanks so much, TB. Sincerely appreciated.