Author ChrisScott
Rank 22888

Warning: This Trainer is a Little More Techie Than Others and is Intended for Those who Have Been at Wealthy Affiliate a Few Months.

Online Stores are Very Popular and one of if not THE Best Ways is with WooCommerce.

Thank you in Advance for Watching

This Trainer was;

  • Produced by: The Producer
  • Directed by; The Director

An Online Store with Woocommerce is Great for those who;

  • Want to Have an Affiliate Online Store and sell Other People's Stuff such as Amazon.
  • Want to sell Virtual Things like eBooks or Power Point Presentations or Files
  • Want to sell Their Own Stuff.
  • Want to sell Variable Stuff of Different Shapes, Sizes, Colors, or Textures whether Their own or an Affiliate's Products.

What we Will Cover in Part 1;

  • We Will Install the WooCommerce Plugin
  • We Will Install the HomePage Control Plugin
  • We Will Install the StoreFront Theme by WooThemes
  • We Will Set up our Store Pages and Checkout and Cart
  • We will Discuss Basic Operations and Purposes of WooCommerce

What we Will Cover in Part 2;

  • Create a Blog Page
  • Put Blog Page in Menu and Reorder Menu
  • Set the Template on All Our Newly Formed Woocommerce Pages
  • Set the Homepage as Our Homepage
  • Set the Blog Page as the Blog Page
  • Set Post Type for SEO Purposes
  • We Will Learn to Create Sliders
  • Place Some Widgets in the Right Sidebar
  • Remove All Default Items Out of the Right Sidebar
  • Place WooCommerce Cart in Sidebar
  • Add Price Filter in Sidebar
  • Add Product Category in Sidebar
  • Add Reviews in Sidebar
  • Add Top Rated Products in Sidebar
  • We Will Have Fun Fun Fun till Kyle Takes my Publishing Rights Away!!!! Hey!!

What we Will Cover in Part 3;

  • Go Over Basic Settings of Woocommerce
  • We Will Learn to Create An Affiliate Product
  • Install the “WooCommerce Social Media Share Plugin.”
  • We Will Learn to Create Virtual Products....(Such as eBooks or Power Point Presentations)
  • We Will Learn to Create a Simple Product
  • Show How to Add Categories to Menu
  • Show How to Add Images to Categories
  • Test Check Out
  • Customize the Website to Make it Look Pretty.

What There will NOT be!

  • Drugs
  • Sex
  • Rock & Roll

PS. I Assure You I Have NOT Lost my Marbles.

Although, I must admit there has got to be a small hole in the bag somewhere.

Please See Part 2.

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Recent messages
Ultimateless Premium
I am very disappointed that there will be no drugs, sex, rock and roll. But I will persevere with your training in spite of these drawbacks.

Produced by: The Producer
Directed by; The Director
Narrated by: ?
Acted by: ?
Written by: ?
Shot in Technicolor ?
Weather Forecast by: ?

I'm getting my popcorn now - not the same as what you guys have, we only get one dip... :(
ChrisScott Premium
Lol, Sunshine is reading over my shoulder and laughing out loud!! She says that Michael knows how to handle you, baby boy.

Please enjoy, my friend.
Ultimateless Premium
I shall.

ChrisScott Premium
Hello Michael. Last time i was on here i got in trouble.
Chezbrown Premium
He disappointed me with that news as well Michael, haven't made up my mind yet if I am going to watch it. Xx
ChrisScott Premium
Lol, I can do a little dance if you can get a group together to make it rain.
Chezbrown Premium
I don't mind getting the group together but why do you want it to rain?

Love to see you dance though lol. Xx
ChrisScott Premium
Money!!! Rain Money, you silly Scottie Hottie.
Chezbrown Premium
Well when you get as much rain as we do, why would we want to do a rain dance. Told you I'm bit slow on the uptake lol.

Now when you are talking about it raining money, I am with you there. Xx
ChrisScott Premium
The t-bear can shake it for raining money, lol
Chezbrown Premium
Now that I do want to see, what do you shake the most lol.

Michael, once said he would do a happy dance and he had to do it as I pestered him till I saw it lol. Xx
ChrisScott Premium
lol. Have you followed all 4 parts of this series?

Thank you, SOOOOO much; UPDATE 11 June 2017 @ 0734 hundred From the Heart of Dixie. A Video Message From The Teddy Bear;
Chezbrown Premium
Morning Chris, I have watched parts 1 and 2, still to watch 3 and 4.

Still disappointed about the sex, drugs and rock&roll; being missed though, such a shame lol.

Thought I was getting a private video message, just for me there Chris, very sad when I realised it was for everyone lol.

I would certainly be happy for you to continue and do a 5th part especially if it is going to help you too. xx
ChrisScott Premium
Roger Wilco.
Chezbrown Premium
Who is Roger Wilco lol? xx
ChrisScott Premium
Your teasing, right? Google it.
Chezbrown Premium
Aha, what do you think. Was I or Wasn't I lol. xx
ChrisScott Premium
lol, you were teasing.
Chezbrown Premium
Love teasing you Chris, so will keep you wondering a bit longer lol. X
pippys Premium
OMG Thank You Teddy Bear! I've been with WA 1 year now and have been waiting to do a store with beef jerky products I sell. And have asked a few times in questions how to do it and how to add cart etc. Never got a good answer. So I been delaying it TILL NOW You hit the nail right on the head for me Thank You so much for this training I love your teachings it is easy to understand! I hope part 2 is goin to follow real soon Iwant to load product in the store and get crackin!
ChrisScott Premium
You are very welcome, Tom. I would love to order some of your Beef Jerkey. Here's the link to the next trainer; May I send you a PM?
Tirolith Premium
Thank you Chris for a well done part 1. I am looking forward to part 2. Everybody in WA should be learning from you. If members are fair dink-em about doing blogs properly then they will be pestering you for help.
Sorry about the Aussie slang, but I am fair dink-em in what I say.
Tom Short.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you Tom, I very much appreciate your kind words.
kiliwia62 Premium
thanks Chris for this wonderful training (saw the 2 Part first, lol) I certainly am interested in setting up a woo commerce website in the near futute.
I always thought if you don't have a physical product you can't use it so I am looking forward to your Part 3, getting really excited about to use this also for digital products.

Thank you, my friend, now I will have an idea how to execute my vision on selling online my digital products.
ChrisScott Premium
Thank you, Sylvia. I really appreciate the support.
KBush Premium
I'm so excited about this training on WooCommerce. . I am using WooCommerce and need to set it up to Sale my Seashell Art and Photography Prints.

This is perfect timing, because I was planning to set up my Online store this week.

Thank you so much for this training

Kinda Bush
KBush Premium
I have watched the video and am going to start setting up my store, but I have a question.

I currently have a theme called Market Pro, that I have already set up, but need to add the store to it. My question is can I use the Market Pro theme I currently have or do I need to build another website?

The Market Pro theme is made for WooCommerce. I have already added the plugin, but have not activated it yet. I am praying that you will tell me that I can just activate the plugin and then add the storefront and the homepage plugins to my Market Pro theme?

Looking forward to your advise,

Kinda Bush
ChrisScott Premium
I'm sure your theme is fine. I'm just using the Storefront for the trainers and what I would suggest is creating a free sub domain to follow me and then take only the things you like.
ChrisScott Premium
What a nice name. I hope you find more success than expected or hoped for.
KBush Premium
Thank you
KBush Premium
That is a great idea.

Thank you