4. Apply typography

Of course, layout also contributes to the readability of your web text.

4 a. Number of rules
How short and understandable your sentences are: large text blocks are frightening. Therefore, strive for paragraphs of 4 to 6 lines.
This gives your web text more white space and becomes lighter and more readable. Paragraphs next to an image can afford 6 to 8 lines.

Separate sentences between paragraphs, intermediate headings, bullets, images, frames and other fixation points.

4 b. Line length
The ideal line length is 65 to 85 characters (including spaces).

4 c. Font and size
The ideal font size for your body text is 13 to 16 pixels - depending on the font you use. At 12 pixels or less, the eyes have to exert too much effort.

4 d. Letter color
The ideal font color is dark gray (# 464646) on a white background. Not black on white, as with sales letters. This combination is often too bright on the screen.

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MarionBlack Premium
WOW! For you, English is not your native language but you've grasped the concept of writing for people very well.

I especially like the part on '3 a. Speaking language'. Some of our friends could use this lesson :)
Loes Premium
Thank you, that is a great compliment, Marion!
accad Premium
There are many things I have to learn in grammar and creative writing.
Loes Premium
I am always amazed by slogan writers, how they come up with terrific advertising slogans
accad Premium
They are wise.
DordPete Premium Plus
Great tips Loes! Thanks
Loes Premium
You're welcome Peter, thank you
terrycarroll Premium
Great little course Loes.

Love the details and will use for creating content where appropriate.

Best regards

Loes Premium
Thanks, Terry, success using my tips:)
buffetearns Premium
Thank you Loes. I see some of my mistakes already!

Loes Premium
Oke! Glad to be of assistance!