Where do I implement the keyword?

You want to make sure that the keyword appears in your header (you can add some words and form a better sentence/headline). Use it in the text in a natural way.. depends on the length of the text but 2-3 times normally is a good density. Throughout the text you can use the keyword by alternating it too. Don't spam the keyword, Google will notice that and penalize you, so make sure to keep things naturally. You can use the keyword in some headings too, but like in the text alternate it and write use it in a sentence.

Is that everything I can do to optimize my article?

No, there are some other things you can do to optimize your article for the search engines. Just go to the next page.

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WMarketer Premium
Great job Sirio!
Sirio Premium
Thanks, just ask if anything is unclear!
WAlfano Premium
Thanks for the article.
Sirio Premium
Hope it helps! Let me know if you have any questions
RoopeshG Premium Plus
Thanks.Enjoyed the training
Sirio Premium
Good to hear! Let me know if you have any questions.
Mac01 Premium
Thanks for this training, Sirio! Always looking for ways to increase SEO. Liked and liked.
Sirio Premium
No problem! i started to get a bit deeper into SEO in the last month, and Isure will create more SEO trainings in future ;)
If you have an idea for a training or a specific question, just tell me!
Do you know a free tool for finding keywords? Is it ok if I use 2-3 keywords in the article?
Sirio Premium
You can use the Wealthy Affiliate Keyword tool (https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/kw_research) or the Google Keyword planner (https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner).

Said short, you shouldn't target more keywords in one article! Just one!

If your keyword is "best epson projectors" it's ok if you once use "top epson projectors", but your focus should always be on only one keyword!