Steam ahead but be realistic
Now I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm as you head towards internet marketing success but I do want you to be realistic.
You currently can't chat to anyone inside WA or ask questions, so although you may have great dreams for your website and your business my advice is keep it simple. There is nothing wrong with simplicity. Focus on your content.
You don't have to keep changing themes, try to mess around with a theme or add all sorts of fancy plugins. If you have trouble with your site you're on your own. (Another good reason for signing up for Premium Membership).
Need more information?
If you're not sure of something use the WA search bar and find suitable resources. Stick to more recent ones as internet marketing advice changes and some older ones may no longer be relevant. You will find that some resources are available to Premium Members only.
Ready to make a decision yet?
Go to the next page for my final bit of advice on making your decision.