Now it is time to see if its a good niche that is profitable. Lets work with the "Can I lose weight before my wedding day?".

We are going to take this niche through Travis's 6 Niche Factors that ALL profitable niches have. Here they are:

1. Do they think about this problem/question a lot?

2. What is their emotional temperature?

3. What is the cost for this niche?

4. Do they talk about it a lot?

5. Are others making money from it?

6. What objections would they have?

So, what about "can I lose weight before my wedding day?"

1. Do they think about it? Well, the closer the wedding day, the more they will think about it! Go to a forum filled with women talking about weddings and I bet this will be in several discussions! So yup, its a big concern, so they think about it a lot!

2. Emotional Temperature? They are getting married! Emotions run high, they want to look good, they are worried, frustrated, etc. They want a solution. Yup, high emotional temperature.

3. The cost? Since they have a high emotional temperature, and they are willing to hand over thousands of dollars for a wedding, you can bet they will spend money to lose weight, if they have to!

4. Do they talk about it? Open a web browser and take a quick look through many forums dedicated to weddings, and you'll find TONS of women talking about it, so yes!

5. Are others making money from it? I did a quick Google search for "lose weight before wedding" and the top ad was for weight watchers and it spun it like this:

Preparing for a Wedding?
Learn how Weight Watchers Can Help
You slim down for your big day.

There were others of course, and a few other quick keyword searches turned up more ads, so yup, others are making money!

6. Now, the last one: What objections would people have? Many times this is a higher authority, like a doctor, lawyer, or TV celeb telling you something is better. Often it is just "I want free information".

This niche may have this objection of "free info". (women just wanting to know the quick ways to lose weight and don't want to pay for information) So keep that in mind if you decide to promote.

So, is this a good niche? You bet! Emotional women wanting to shed pounds desperately before a wedding day! Heck yes...I can hear the cash register ring sale sale sale...

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Gonzoo Premium
Very inciteful. Great advice...thanks!
djfadez Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
kyle1978 Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
Jmitt619 Premium
Great Info....
arrickpelton1 Premium
Great Info....