Close any tools you have, any websites open, any books or magazines, and open up notepad. We are going to sit and think.

Start off thinking about any time in your life that YOU had a burning question, something that really ate at you, something that sparked emotion.

For me, there was a time in my life where I honestly worried that I would never end up married. I felt doomed to be single. So what was my burning question? "Will I ever find a girlfriend/wife?" Seriously! That was one. And many guys/girls feel this.

What about other questions? Well, as a student, I think of this, especially before a test:

"How can I possibly memorize ALL these answers before this final exam?" Since finals were glaring down at me, I thought of this question a lot.

So start with those questions that YOU had in your life. This will get your brain in a "burning question" mode. Now, start thinking of others:

"How can I lose all this weight before my wedding day?"
"Am I really having a panic attack?"
"I feel depressed, is it just a phase or is there something wrong with me?"
"Is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on me?"
"My computer is acting weird all of a sudden, does it have a virus?"

Now, with this list in hand, we are going to analyze for a moment. Next tab!

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Gonzoo Premium
Very inciteful. Great advice...thanks!
djfadez Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
kyle1978 Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
Jmitt619 Premium
Great Info....
arrickpelton1 Premium
Great Info....