The best way to find niches is to think about the burning questions that plague people everyday, questions like:

Can I get out of debt without filing for bankruptcy?
I keep getting weird phone calls, am I being stalked?

These are NOT burning questions:

Is this brand of toothpaste a good brand?
How reliable is this XXX?

The difference is this:

The first questions have a BURNING issue that raises emotion. Are they being stalked? They are afraid, they want answers, man if they had something that could help them out, they would buy!

The second set of questions is information seekers. They are thinking intelligently. You can sell to those questions, of course, but it's much MUCH harder. And those questions are not "niche" per se. They are what people ask when researching a product.

The niches that sell the most, and the quickest, are those with BURNING QUESTIONS wanting an answer now!

So, how do we find those niches? Next tab!

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Gonzoo Premium
Very inciteful. Great advice...thanks!
djfadez Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
kyle1978 Premium
Very good, agreed. Thx!
Jmitt619 Premium
Great Info....
arrickpelton1 Premium
Great Info....