I have been doing internet marketing for every kind of program you can imagine. Today, I have three websites with Wealthy Affiliate. I certainly can set up more and it has always been my intent. I wanted to finally set up another perfect website business; but that special one that would finally net me thousands per month. In my search, I ran across the hub & spoke strategy; looked over some ideas, and ran with it.

As in my example of Health & Fitness, I wanted to dominate a niche, so my research went a bit further. We have always been sold on the idea -- do not choose the main keyword like Golf. Choose a related niche for less competition... i.e.: golf bags, golf balls, golf courses, golf shoes, golf fashions, golf irons, golf tournaments, golf lessons, golf pros. Well why choose one of these when you can have all nine as your spokes?

If you are not excited about this prospect, I'd be very surprised. I have an Art website as some of you know, and I could go back and make NewRealismArt.com a hub website, and add some spokes on this keyword phrase, realism art.

After serious study, I knew the re-writing and re-arrangement I would have to do to accomplish this first experiment. So I decided against the long weeks of editing my art site to conform to this new hub and spoke idea.

I thought it better to give birth to a brand new keyword hub, and associated spokes. So here we go.

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boucherda Premium Plus
Very good! and I thought "Hub and Spoke"is what airlines did.
solidbase Premium
Hello Esther,
I am familiar with the "Hub and Spoke" system, and if done correctly it could work very well.
One small tip though... Make sure your sub-domains (at the end of each spoke) are inter-connected with links to each other, and that each sub-domain is also linked back to your main domain (the Hub)
Hope it makes sense to you.
pisces Premium
Thanks.... I did know that and should have included it. :-)
TheOldSilly Premium
That is an excellent strategy, with unlimited varieties and possibilities. I was thinking along these lines, but this training really helped synthesize the mental formulation of how to put it into practice. Thank you. :-)
pisces Premium
Glad you liked it... I think I did get one tiny thing wrong... the sub-domain (spokes) will look like this: http://EatHealthy.GreatNicheMarkets.com Subs are new to me too, and I'm setting up my first one as we speak. They used to use the / sign after the domain like /sub-domain but I guess that's outdated. Anyway, keep in touch as you and I stumble through this, okay?
TheOldSilly Premium
ok, thanks, and will do.