Author RickBell57
Rank 156240

I've recently changed a few things in my life. One big change is the view I had before of pathetic Rick back in 2014 when I failed to make money online. But, by attempting to retrain my thoughts and mind I have seen the light. The light that has ushered in extreme riches and prosperity!

Almost like in Glowing Huge Dollar Signs kind of light. A super glittery--In the morning sun! How did I go from poor, broke, worthless, valueless and wanting to: Actually I was just thinking these thoughts. We are not worthless, or have less value just because we think we do. Or do we?

Holy Fun in Christmas!

Brain Train is the game I've been playing. Reading inspirational books by the dozens. Video tapes, audio books, and listening to anyone who is positive. Are you that positive person I can listen to?

The money does follow. Like I heard many times before. I just didn't believe it. And it is true. We are either super grateful and prosperous and we are God's Best Creation...or we are The Devils Advocate. Or somewhere in between living in a quagmire of "Just-Getting-By-Ville."

It is up to us.

Join the Rush of Wealth, Freedom and Prosperity. Rethink your thinking and BE Great.

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trailhound Premium
Thanks for reminding me that I do have a choice to see myself as a magnificent product of creation and to act accordingly. The timely-ness of your post creates goose flesh on me. Thanks, Rick.
RickBell57 Premium
Thank you so much! I do mean to try to help bring to light some of the things we just forget. Maybe I do in my video, maybe not so much.

But my first attempt at sharing how i feel in a real blog type setting.

It would be great if there was a POAC here at WA ...I call it a Positive Action Club. Or could be POA.

I would do one of these videos every day if it helped just one person this year!

So lets not think the critics will come and shut us down. We must believe we are on the right track no matter the results. And believe before the results are in.
MsMerry Premium
Thanks for the reminders and the encouragement to keep trying and rise above all circumstance. I think I lost something along the way or just didn't believe long enough or remember to do that one thing every day towards greatness! thank you again.* more than you could know..................
Drgambrel Premium
Awesome. Thats great for ruling over yourself. Good luck in the new year you have created.
RickBell57 Premium
Thank you. Good luck to you. Actually, not sure that it is luck, but that it is belief in ones self first and foremost.

We need more inspirational videos here for those that are stuck in being limited minded. I just wish I knew how to reach more of these folk.

The issue is when you come across as all bubbly or enthusiastic, others say, I cannot be like that and they even envy others that are.
Drgambrel Premium
The truth is that you have to be that way in order to be contagious and leave others with a memory that despite how difficult ultimate things get that you remain positive. It might annoy some people, but that I should what some might need to help keep a level head.

The thing is to stay positive and encouraging.
Magieken Premium
Courague to step off the edge & fly along with faith in youself are the keys. Thanks Rick.
RickBell57 Premium
Yes courage, belief in ones self and gratitude are just some of the parts I'm working on these days.

But I do have proof it all works together within the universe! At least I believe things are working toward a greater cause.
allchristie Premium
No limits - No excuses. Used to be: It is better to wear out than to rust out.. Be the blinding light of brilliance. Positive is the only way to go. Great video. I shall play it often (4 times so far). Larry
RickBell57 Premium
Thank you. I hoped to encourage a few to get on the band wagon of positiveness. Yet it is hard to teach or to show as most of those who are negative or not believing in oneself are quick to dismiss anything like this.

I would like to promote this kind of thing on my website as well to reach more and help more. Not to earn more, but to give others hope here online that they can reach their dreams.