Getting Other People to Share YOUR Stuff
Okay, cool! Thanks for coming! Here's another option for you within my wee series of getting other people to share YOUR stuff.
In this lesson, I'll show you anotherFREE tool I use daily to get the word out about a new article that I just published on my blog. Again, this isInfluencer Marketing and so it's all about gaining more "reach" by leveraging the following of others. So, as I pointed out, if you join this free website and share you stuff there (and it does it automagically) there is strong change I'll share your article with my200,000 followers.
Check it out and let me know your thoughts.
Also, here's a quick recap of the previous training in this wee series:
KLOUT Part 2: Traffic, Exposure, Influencer Marketing
Exposure, Traffic, Branding and more: inbound
Get Your Content VIRAL - More on Exposure, Branding, Traffic
FREE:Get Other People to Promote YOU! - Branding, Influencers, Traffic
More FREE Publicity - Apple News Update
CoPromote - more FREE Exposure - Getting Others to Promote YOUR stuff!
Again, pleaseLIKE and comment below if you enjoyed and would like me to continue contributing tutorials!
Thanks so much!
I'm really loving CoPromote and look forward to getting my head into this next one.
thank you