Alright, let's get to work! I just told you about your first three target arenas at Craigslist: Services, Gigs, For Sale. So how do we use them? Before you write your ad, take a second to look around Craigslist in your area to see what people are looking for. You can do this quickly with the websites "search box", or manually by clicking around on the various categories!
I would focus on these three:
- Services:
Service holds many smaller categories, just as all the main categories do. However, this one holds what will be our first main target and it is called "Small Biz Ads". This is a free area where you can post your ads about your affiliate programs and things of this nature. Use it sparingly though as people here do NOT like spam post and if you post the same article too often, it will be marked as spam. You aren't spam are you?
- Gigs:
Gigs is a nice little category that holds subcategories like "Writing" and "Creative". You can post things here looking for help for your marketing articles or even steal ideas. ;) What I mean by that is use this area of Craigslist to "see" what people are looking for, in this city, at this hour, and how they are marketing their needs. You can use this quick 30 seconds of research to write yourself a better ad when you get ready to start typing.
- For Sale:
This is my favorite area (no I don't use the romance section, sorry ;)! The For Sale are has a wealth of information for you to use at your will. Everything from specific things for sale to want ads. I think this is the heart of Craigslist as far as I am concerned.
So you did a little research? Ready to post an ad? Great let's go...

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itys Premium
Thank you very much for your tips.
I placed my first ad as a test.Let's see what happens now.
Revelation Premium

:) Not a problem. I like the simple, quick, step-by-step approaches. Do hope it helped ya!
Tiger7F168 Premium

:) Not a problem. I like the simple, quick, step-by-step approaches. Do hope it helped ya!
EdRI Premium
John, Thanx for a hold my hand and show me tutorial EdRI
Dasep Premium
John, Thanx for a hold my hand and show me tutorial EdRI