Marketing Sales funnel Metrics

I have dealt with what a marketing sales funnel looks like, also I have Identified why you should build A Sales Funnel for your business. After doing this, you will want to see things like how many people get into your funnel. What is the source of this traffic? What percentage of this traffic is converted to buying customers. These considerations will help determine the success of your funnel. They are referred to as the marketing sales funnel metrics.

Below are some essential metrics of your funnel that you should consider.

1. Traffic

    It seems self-explanatory, every business owner is interested in generating traffic to his or her store. The same applies to your funnel, you should be interested in how many people land at the feet of your funnel.

    It does not only reveal the number of leads acquired but also gives an insight into the performance. It also shows each of your marketing tactics and various acquisition channels. You should be interested in tracking the performance of each channel

    2. Opt-in-Rate

      It is focused on your Landing page, many times is the gateway to your funnel. The opt-in rate refers to the number of people who subscribes to your list. They are people who agreed to exchange their email address for your lead magnet.

      To achieve maximum opt-in rate, you continually perform the A/B test for your landing pages to achieve the best title, descriptions, and call to action.

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      HildeRegine Premium Plus
      Very informative and helpful.
      edhozubin Premium
      Thank you very much for your Post & Share Ayodeji.
      Parameter Premium

      You welcome Edward

      Israel17 Premium
      Thanks for the sales funnel training, Ayodeji It's quite informative and helpful.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium

      I am glad you found it educative

      Thank you Israel
      Christorv Premium Plus
      My fourth training read this evening - a lot of good info from this training too. Much appreciated Ayodeji- thanks for taking the time to share this 🤞
      Parameter Premium
      Thank you Chris,

      Creating a landing page and measuring essential metrics is very important

      lesabre Premium
      Thank you for the lesson Ayodeji.

      Best wishes,

      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Mike,

      I am glad you found it engaging
