3. Email Signature -
I must say that email Signature is actually simple but powerful method of promotion. I have realized that most of us are not using it. However, by using an effective email signature, every time your email goes out to someone, you have free advertising.
One way of capitalising this situation is to join several discussion groups and message boards to utilize your sigtag to the maximum.
Following is an example of a email signature, you can personalise:
"Warm regards,
Ell Somebody
FREE Ecourses - Sign-up for one or all!
(Put your link here.)
Build Your Business with Us!
(Put subscribe email here.)
Remember to keep your signature fairly short - about
6 - 8 lines.
I have noticed that many discussion groups will have a limit
to the number of lines you can have in your sigtag, therefore advisable adhere to the limit.