1.3. Filter what’s displayed on the blogroll:

Moving to the next Icon, we can select what updates appear on the blogroll. We could select to see the posts and training published by all members. Or filter to only see those that are published by friends (people we’re following here at WA) or by our referrals.

When we are starting at Wealthy Affiliate, we would benefit greatly if we keep an eye open at everything that’s published on the platform. But always respecting this order: Kyle, Carson and Jay’s content first. In second place members that are esteemed and have gained the confidence of the community. And after that, all the rest.

If we earn referrals during our journey through Wealthy Affiliate our interest will start to concentrate on them. Helping them and encouraging them will become an important activity. So at that stage we may consider switching once in a while to referrals only depending on how much spare time we have to check the platform at any given day.

1.4. Write a new blog post or ask a question:

There are other places at Wealthy Affiliate where you can go to do this, but it’s also been included here. It’s always good to have these features handy. Kyle and Carson have always wanted to make things as easy as possible for us to deliver a message to the community or asking for help.

After mentioning the features included in the header to customize the Wealthy Affiliate blogroll, we’ll now talk about the blogroll body. It’s also useful to get acquainted with the elements included here. Most of them don’t need much explanation because they’re very intuitive. But we’ll still mention them one by one. To continue reading, click “next page”.

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Nadja3 Premium
Excellent training. Thank you. Very useful.
Henry-II Premium
Hello, Nadja! Thank you for your comment! You’re most welcome! I enjoyed very much building this one. It’s just a way to say thank you to all the community for all the help I’ve received! :)

I wish you all the best! :)
Pernilla Premium
Thank you Henry!
This is very helpful!

I don't know the answer of your question.
Maybe Hot topics is what is relevant for a bit longer time, and the Top Ten list are showing the topics which have been read and liked by the most people on the current day.
Henry-II Premium
Hello, Pernilla! Thank you for your kind word in your comment.

And concerning the difference between "hot topic" and "Top ten posts" I believe it could be. Maybe there are different time extensions for one to qualify in the former and in the latter. Thank you very much!
buffetearns Premium
Thanks Henry!

Henry-II Premium
Hey, Wayne! You're most welcome! Thank you very much for your comment. It means a lot to me!
LTMLifestyle Premium
Thanks for sharing. Very helpful
Henry-II Premium
You're most welcome! I'm glad to hear you found it helpful! It's always a pleasure sharing with such a helpful community! All the best!
LTMLifestyle Premium
Henry-II Premium
:) :) :)
newmarketpro Premium
Thank you for taking time and sharing this great walk-through of the new look platform. Surprising enough there are some tabs I have not explored yet.

Awesome :)
Henry-II Premium
Hey! You're most welcome! Thank you very much for your good review. It's great to read it! :)