You will next copy and paste the framework into your open notepad file. Your notepad will look like this:
HTML Webpage
Next you will save your file as an .html file. Click on File > Save and enter your file name making sure to give it the extension of.html.
Below you will see how to save a file as a webpage (an HTML file).
Saving a file as a webpage
When you save your file, pay close attention to where it is saving to. You can always change the location of where you are saving it. You can create a new folder, for instance, called My Website and store all of your .html files (webpages) in that folder which is recommended.
Keep your notepad file open and do not close it, because you will be making needed changes to it in the next task. You can keep it open and available within your task bar.
Next, navigate to where your newly created webpage is and notice the icon. It has an internet explorer icon. This tells you it is a webpage. Again, this may be different for different computers and operating systems. Click on it. It will open up to be an empty webpage which is what you want at this point.