Selecting Keywords: The Good

If we are writing articles, blogs or web pages, we want keywords that are relevant to the information or content we are writing. We want to use these keywords in titles and in the text.

I use Jaaxy so I’ll use that format to discuss keyword selection:

1. First, I start my search with the shortest word I can find that relates to the subject I am interested in. If I’m writing on the Traits of Successful Chinese Emperors, I will make four searches: traits, successful, china, emperor.

2. When the keywords are generated, I’ll put them in a list for later use. Then I’ll go down that list and let JAAXY dig deeper. I do this until my wife’s caregiver says, “John, will you get of that damn computer and take a walk around the track?”

3. Now I’ll go to my list and get the QSR of each keyword: Quoted Search Results - the number of competing web pages under EXACT term in Google. Less than 400 results means that there is a very good chance new content can get listed on the first page in Google under this keyword.

4. I look at the KQI: Keyword Quality Indicator, Green is great, Orange is OK, Red is Poor. I grab a couple of Oranges and all the Greens.

5. I look at the SEO Power: A score based on traffic, QSR, and competition (scale of 1-100, higher = better). I love over 88 but I may grab a 70.

Now I have a list of special keywords that I can use. I put these in a new file.

My point is, that I do not start tossing out keywords too soon. I want to see where they lead. Then I can narrow things down. These are the keywords that will appear in my content. These are the GOOD.

Next: The Bad

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jghwebbrand Premium
John, thank you for your keyword analysis. This will be very helpful to me as I go about my keyword searches in the future. Great job! Thanks for sharing it in the community
TJ Books Premium
Well, if you learned from it, then mission accomplished. Carson told me a long time ago to share but I put it off. Now I talk too much. Tnx. John
Shawn Martin Premium
Interesting John. I am curious if Kyle or Carson could comment on the amount of keywords entered in the SEO section. Thanks for the info!
TJ Books Premium
They are coming over. We need their comments on this. J
christopherM Premium
Thanks for sharing. I've been curious for a while now about if its better to have 1 or 2 KW's or as many as you think will be relevant.
TJ Books Premium
Sometimes I think it is the more the merrier. J
Sherion Premium
Great. I never thought of some of these ideas. I don't have Jaaxy yet. Thanks for the training.
TJ Books Premium
Thank you for reading my stuff. J
David_S Premium
Nice article!
TJ Books Premium
Boy, David! You found this article fast, faster than I could find it. I thank you again. John
David_S Premium
Your welcome John