Using a Dual Set up for Both New and Old

Marketers can make use of both Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics together. There is no sign of the old method of analytics becoming unaccepted; a marketer who has universal analytics can still continue to use the version.

It is not compulsory to use the new Google Analytics, but other new versions will default to the GA4. Many businesses may want to create a new version using the Google Analytics feature (Web and App). This will help them become more familiarized with the new interface and how data is being displayed.

Can You Use a Landing Page Report for Important Marketing Data?

A landing page is an important strategy in digital marketing; it helps business owners and brands know the source of their traffic. In Google Analytics, tracking of landing pages means being able to keep track of your SEO marketing and paid adverts.

Because the GA4 focuses more on the user, there is no session for the landing page report, but the equivalent data can still be obtained.

This is how to get the landing page data in GA4

  • Go to Life Cycle – Engagement – Pages and screens
  • Switch the column on the left side to “Pages path and screen class”
  • Select “All User”, change dimension to “User medium”. Then input the value of your dimension
  • If you want only “session” to display in place of views, click on the drop-down menu that is beneath “Event count” and select “session_start.”

This is the best way to duplicate the report of the landing page marketers might have accustomed themselves to within the older versions.

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skmorrow Premium
Thank you for this!

I am trying to add a new property to my existing GA account. Is there a way to still do that the "old" way? Or do I need to upgrade all the properties I currently have to GA4? It's been a long time since I have been through this process.
YvonneBray Premium
I believe it’s still GA4. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Israel17 Premium
Alright, skmorrow! Activating the new GA 4 doesn't stop you from accessing the old universal analytics again and again. The introduction of the new GA 4 never overrode the existence of the old UA. Got it? So, the answer to your question is yes, you can still add a property the old way if you so desire.

Israel Olatunji
Davekirby Premium

Thank you for the tutorial.
I now have my GA4 account all set up for my website, but what I am struggling with is how I get my Tracking id and where do I add it into my website to start the tracking.

Any help would be welcome.
Israel17 Premium
Hey Dave, good to know you have GA4 setup for your account! To find your tracking ID, simply log in to your GA account, click on Admin, then on Tracking Info, and then on Tracking Code. You'll find your tracking ID. Or you can simply copy your tracking html code and paste in the header section of your site, before the closing head tag.
Davekirby Premium

I now have everything, I am just not sure in Wordpress where to go on my site to find the header section to add the code. I am using the Hiero theme. Thanks

Israel17 Premium
Alright, Dave! Click on Appearance in WP, then on Theme Editor, then on Theme Header. I'd suggest you ask the Site Support to do the pasting for you lest you destroy your site mistakenly. What's your thought?

Israel Olatunji
Davekirby Premium

Great, thanks.
I will give it a try

YvonneBray Premium
Thank you, Israel! You did this on the 25th Dec! I hope you had a good day and it was not all work.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks, Bray; I had a lot of fun with family and friends and, at the same time, managed to come up with this for the day. Good to know someone cares... Wish you a fruitful year ahead!

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
Thanks Israel I wish you all the best for your success in 2021.
DavidBarry Premium
Hi Israel,

I am reading all your lessons, great work thank you..!

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, Barry! Glad you found my tutorials useful! Connecting the GA4 will enhance your experience in tracking your audience and improving bounce rate.

Israel Olatunji
jd500 Premium
Thank you, Israel for the details. Have a Happy Holidays!
Israel17 Premium
Most welcome, jd500! Good to know you enjoyed my GA4 training! Much appreciated!

Israel Olatunji
jd500 Premium
Thank you, Israel. I appreciate all the help
Best wishes to you and your family!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks, you are most welcome. Wish you a prosperous year ahead!
jd500 Premium
Thank You, Israel.