Basic Examples

  • The text between <html> and </html> describes an HTML document
  • The text between <head> and </head> provides information about the document
  • The text between <title> and </title> provides a title for the document
  • The text between <body> and </body> describes the visible page content
  • The text between <h1> and </h1> describes a heading (they range from 1 to 6)
  • The text between <p> and </p> describes a paragraph


To create headings you will need any of these :

<h1> - <h2> - <h3> - <h4> - <h5> - <h6>

<h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important heading. Don't forget the </h1> that defines the end of the tag!

Depending of which one you used this is what it'll look like!:


To create a paragraph you will need the following :



To create italic you'll use either:



This <b>content</b> will create bold


You can quote things by using : <cite>blabla</cite>

Your text will usually be in italic.



Font size (from 1 to 7)

You can change the size font with this : <font size="3"></font>

It'll look something like this :


To create a hyperlink you need <a href="URL"></a> 

Line break

If you use <br />, anything following it will start from the next line.You do not need opening and closing tags, because there is nothing to go in between them! =)

PS : The <br /> tag has a space between the characters br and the forward slash. If you forget the space, some browsers might have trouble rendering the line break.

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CindyFS1971 Premium
Such cool training Sarah, opened up a whole new bunch of stuff that I had a tiny bit of understanding about. Dare I say that I might go and experiment when I write next! Thanks for sharing, and please do write another training, this was great.
BelieveItYes Premium
Thank you Cindy, you are sweet !! I am glad I could help you a little and will be making more trainings!
Have a lovely Sunday
EzekielBS Premium
For a line break I've always just used <br> and it does the job.
BelieveItYes Premium
Yes, you are correct! Both will work. <br> is HTML, <br /> is XHTML which worpress uses for scripting its documents. XHTML is very similar to HTML. The main difference is that XHTML forces webpage authors to be more consistent and to write more legible code. There are a few syntax and grammar differences and a few HTML tags have been dropped but, really, that's about it and it's quite easy to switch from one to the other
BillLuhrs Premium
Thank you for that. Very easy to understand ,and as you said, we all must at some stage do a bit of remodelling within our websites. One trick I do is take a quick screen shot of where i need to make some adjustments before I make them. Just in case i muck it up I can always go back to how it was and start again. Nice training.

BelieveItYes Premium
excellent trick!! what I do is cmd+z to cancel the last modification, but a screen shot is a great idea =)
mrbill6771 Premium
Very informative. HTML is still rather daunting, but your tutorial does help make things more understandable
BelieveItYes Premium
Thank you very much Bill, I think as long as you don't get too much into the details, HTML can be "fun" =)
RushingBee Premium
Thanks for another awesome tutorial, Sarah!

I'm not totally ignorant of HTML, but you did teach me something new with the page jumps. I'm not sure that I will have to use that, but if I ever do, I know right where my first stop will be.

I hope you consider doing more of these, I'm sure a lot of people (including myself) could benefit from it.

Have a great day! :)
BelieveItYes Premium
Thank you Breanne =), I love making tutorials, although it makes me very nervous ahah
Thanks again, have a lovely Sunday