So the result is displayed in the following picture.

So now everythings is working again, when you move your mouse accors to select the drop down choice it will not disapear.

So there you have it. All done and dusted.

If you enjoided this tutorial and it was beneficial to you, please like and comment.
It is much appreciated.

Eric Beins

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Professor M Premium
Good Job Eric, these are the little things that frustrate people.
EricBeins Premium
Hi Chad, that is exactly how I saw it. That's why I wrote this tutorial. Thanks for your comment mate! Eric.
JohnnyMark1 Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing Eric.
EricBeins Premium
Hi John, I take it that your family is origanally from the Nederlands. You got a typical Dutch name and you look Dutch as well in your Photo. Thanks for your comment. Eric.
JohnnyMark1 Premium Plus
Hi Eric, Yes, de Haan's were originally from Friesland (Freezeland) in Holland. Is Beins Dutch too? Your first and last name sound Dutch. I named my son, Ryker. Definitely Dutch.
EricBeins Premium
Yes John, Beins is definately Dutch. I immigrated to Australia in 1998. Cheers Eric.
PeetJG Premium
Hi Eric, Great advise!
EricBeins Premium
Hi Peter, thanks for your comment, hope this will work for you on your website. Cheers Eric.
GregRobs Premium
Hey Eric, I just knew you and I were going to help each other! ;-)
I was having just this problem, was flummoxed and ended up shortening my text to make it fit.
Very helpful training,thank you!
EricBeins Premium
Greg, my philosophy is that when I find it difficult to do a lot of other people seem to have the same problem. That always great information to have into tutorials. Glad I could be of help.Cheers Eric.
Kyle Premium Plus
Excellent walk-through Eric!
EricBeins Premium
Thanks Kyle, I appreciate you reading through my tutorial and liking it. That is great mate. Eric.