8. To "Verify Ownership" select the second option. The one that says "HTML tag".
9. Once inside "HTML tag" click the "copy" buton.
We're almost done. Have you been able to follow all these steps so far? A few more steps and we're good to go.
10. Go to the backoffice of your WordPress site. On the side bar on the left, search for "Appearance" and after that click "Theme Editor".
11. Check the area were it says "Theme Files" on the right and click "header.php". In some Themes it may appear as "Theme Header (header.php)".
12. In the scrip that appears, insert the text you had copied earlier (in step 9). This text must be inserted, as seen in the picture below, just before the "head" section ends and the "body" section starts.
You could do this: Stand on the last line of the head section. Click Enter. A new line will appear. Paste the text you copied in step 9 in this new line.
Look at the script on your site and try to find the place where the head section ends and the body section starts.
13. Check here in the picture below, how the text copied in step 9 has been pasted in the script. After you have done this, please click "Update File".
Thanks for the tutorial. I kept on clicking on Domain instead of URL prefix. Once I did that it “auto verified” without going through all the steps. But I am not sure why it’s not showing any data. I have two websites. The newer website is not showing any data. My articles have been indexed. But at least it’s verified