Don't be afraid to pin!

Now that you have a business page on Pinterest, don't be afraid to cross-pin with your personal Pinterest boards, if you have them. Or, if your article is relevant, pin it to all the relevant boards you may have. The reason for this is, people may not follow all of your boards. It doesn't hurt anything to cross-pin, or multi-pin.

If you pin it, they will come!

People will start looking for your pins if you pin regularly. Keep it interesting, keep it consistent. It's a very effective way to drive traffic.I find it fun. I hope you do too!

I hope you find this helpful!

Have a great day!


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Michelle04 Premium
I appreciate you sharing this post, as I really need to start figuring Pinterest out. I have put it off for too long now already!
jmaurice Premium
Thank you for this post, like you I didn't have a clue how it help in a business sense.
Ahnna Premium
I think even Kyle mentioned in one of his trainings that he wasn't all that sure about Pinterest, but he pins things there anyway. I got the idea to use it for business because of him mentioning it, but I'm just NOW starting to really understand it's value, so I thought I'd share my process.
kholmes Premium
I need to put some more work into mine, have my business on there, plus personal interest as well...but need to pin others to my account. Thanks for sharing. :))
Ahnna Premium
That was a big a-ha for me, Kim--to realize that I didn't have to pin just my own stuff. My most popular board on my personal Pinterest page I didn't write ANY of the articles for, it's just a subject that interests me. And I pin recipes that interest me to try, as well as my own. I was shocked to see that I have over a hundred followers on a couple of my personal boards--just because they like what I find. Who knew? :-)
kholmes Premium
That is very cool, I know some of mine have been pinned elsewhere...that is kinda cool. :))
Loes Premium
I have to read this again, and probably again:) and I Will Understand pinterest at last, so thank you Ahnna for trying so far:) I really gone learn the benifit of pinterest somethime, I am tagging this tutorial
Ahnna Premium
Hey, Loes, I will help you any day with Pinterest because I finally get it. Don't ask me about Twitter though. I don't get Twitter...I have a few Twitter accounts, but I avoid them. :-)
Loes Premium
Thanks Ahnna, when I am at it I will PM you!
dhayman Premium
Thanks for the how to Ahnna. I also posted on Pinterest tips and their value to business.

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