How do we use them?
Anyone can type in "#" followed by a word subject so their post is tagged.
But is there More to it?
I think there is! I look at hash-tagged words as keywords. These words are being added to tag your post in to a particular search so it's important to think about who you are targeting.
If I have just posted a tweet regarding my Niche website which is about Minecraft.
I normally use the hash tag for #minecraft #minecrafttoys #minecraftmods
If it is about a review for a toy or lego, say the mountain cave I would add hash tags such as:
#minecraftlego #legominecraft #mountaincavelego
I expect there are those of you who will know more than me on this and its not required to enter minecraft and lego twice even if it's swapped around but I've not had sufficient confirmation I shouldn't.
Hash tags across social media are used in a similar way and I will go through the four main ones in the coming pages.
I will look at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
I now have a better understanding of #
Many thanks