Now, that you know how to navigate between the front-end and the back-end of your Wordpress website, let's take a closer look to the famous Wordpress dashboard.
The WordPress Admin Panel consists of three main components:
1. the WordPress toolbar
2. the Admin menu
3. the main Admin area
Here they are:
Let's take a closer look at each component.
1. the Wordpress toolbar
The Wordpress toolbar is an extremely simple, yet very powerful feature that can make your life a lot easier. Why?, Because it's always there at the top of your - front-end or back-end - screen (even when you scroll down) giving you quick access to a bunch of useful contextual tools.
In the dashboard view, you'll have:
- a Wordpress icon pointing to a few more or less useful WP links
- the site name which leads you to the front-end area
- the comment moderation count showing the number of comments held for moderation
- the "New" button that will allow you to create new posts, pages, media elements or Wordpress users
It looks like this:
Also, a conditional button will appear in the top-left corner each time when you have some sort of pending updates (Wordpress, themes, plugins, etc).
... gold-starred this one for reference ease ...
.... thanks so much for taking the time & effort in pulling this one together for everyone's benefit,
.... cheerio... 😊