So ... You have a brand new Wordpress website. What's next? Well, first of all, you need to learn how to use the famous Wordpress dashboard. Relax, it's completely painless ... And i'll show you everything step by step.
As you can guess, the very first thing is ... to log in.
When you hit the famous "Log In" button, you'll be taken to the Wordpress dashboard which looks like this:
This is the so-called back-end (or admin panel) of your site. This is your main playground where you'll be able to perform all your actions: creating content, adding media, installing or uninstalling plugins and widgets, customizing the appearance, etc. And obviously, it's a private playground which can be accessed only by you (or anybody else who has the rights to do it using a personal username and password.
The main screen basically, it's an overview of your main site. Right now it's pokey, but later as you'll build your site, more and more information will added including post and page counts, comment moderation, etc.
In order to see the actual website - the so-called front-end -, you need to click the "Visit Site" link in the top-left corner ...
... and now you are seeing your newly installed Wordpress site:
To get back to the back-end you can type "yourdomain/wp-admin" in the address bar, or you can use the "Dashboard" link in the top-left menu:
... gold-starred this one for reference ease ...
.... thanks so much for taking the time & effort in pulling this one together for everyone's benefit,
.... cheerio... 😊