Create Remarkable Content in Your Niche

Now that you've found a suitable niche for your blog, it's high time you started blogging about that niche. You must henceforth write on that niche without digressing at all. When your audience find that you've become an expert in your chosen niche, they will become big fans of your site and you will continue to get more readers to your blog from day to day.

Once you can write based on your passion, you will quickly become a pro and will be able to drive hundreds of readers to your blog in no time. This will be included in your blogging target and you wouldn't ever need to worry about traffic at all. Doing it the right way will take you to the promised land soonest.

You must not plagiarize content as this will jeopardize your blog. Search engines of nowadays are not interested in your duplicate content and will definitely penalize you for not being unique and original.

You need to find out what type of content ranks in Google and must make sure to structure your content in that manner at all times thereby making your blog an information portal for your great audience. Google loves and appreciates fresh and unique keyword-rich content and will rank such quickly in SERPs as it provides value to readers.

Search engines have now become smarter than ever in the way they assess and rank sites and you would pass the ranking assessment if and only if you published quality and helpful content on your blog with thorough site engagement.

Write and make your content original, creative, topically-relevant, informative, insightful, compelling, remarkable and engaging for you to get a first Page Rank on time. This is the secret of turning your blog into a thriving online business.

Wouldn't you ever want to blog for 12 months or more and quit eventually? Wouldn't you ever want to keep getting zero traffic despite the hundreds of articles published painstakingly on your site? Then make sure to implement this strategy and you'll be good to go.

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Michf1 Premium
Thanks for this tutorial! We doubt ourselves so many times as we write away (which is difficult for a it of us) and not see any results instantaneously so it’s good to cheer each other on in this way with words of encouragement.

Appreciate this, thanks so much!

Michelle :)
Israel17 Premium
Kudos for finding the tutorial helping and engaging! You are welcome friend.
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Thanks Israel. This is something I need!!!

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
You are warmly welcome friend! Much grateful!
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Thanks for the link also!!

Tried and True

jerzeygirl Premium
Thanks, I have work to do find my passion.
Israel17 Premium
Kudos for reading the tutorial friend! Much grateful!
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks for this post, I think I need to go sit down and find my passion.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, you need to find your passion so that I can start following you in the nearest future.
SydneyMac Premium
Yet another post filled with good advice! Thank you
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for finding the tutorial helpful! Kudos!