Open OBS. Click on File. Select Settings from the pull-down menu.

To the left of the screen, select “Stream” and choose Facebook Live from the menu.

Once select Facebook Live, you will see the Stream Key box. Paste the stream key that you have copied from Facebook Live into the box. Click apply at the bottom right corner and then click OK.

That is it for the configuration setting in OBS.

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redwatkins Premium
Wow A lot of good information. I am not one for learning how to use things like this very easily but would love to learn more about how too.
haroda Premium
Hi Jason! I hope this tutorial is helpful to you. I try to make it as simple as possible so that I can understand it myself. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am happy to share it.

Ha --
redwatkins Premium
thank you
Fredeim88 Premium Plus
Amazing training! Definitely something I will come back to when I'm be able to get a new pc. You mentioned you can use Zoom as well?

Is it a way to do Facebook live with an iPhone or iPad and sharing the screen at the same time? Also is there an app so can do screen recording, with sound and facecam at the same time?
haroda Premium
Yes, you can use Zoom (not the free version). The pro paid version of Zoom support it. You can use iPhone or iPad to go FB live --

There is a free software called OBS studio which I shared in this tutorial. This software allows you to use your webcam to record yourself, pull up any screen you choose, images, etc. to be on at the same time. It also records your streaming. I have images in my samples. I hope that makes sense.

There is also another software called Streamyard which will work with FB Live. This allows you to do multiple things as well. It is free with a watermark. If you pay their subscription, they will remove the watermark and allow 2 platforms such as FB and youtube.

Ha --
Fredeim88 Premium Plus
Fantastic! Thanks for your help! 😊 👍
JohaneG Premium
Thank you for sharing this important information.
haroda Premium
My pleasure! Thank you for visiting. I hope this tutorial will assist you in delivering your message live.

JohaneG Premium
You are welcome Ha. Thank you.
JerryMcCoy Premium Plus
Great information on this.
haroda Premium
Thank you Jerry! I hope it'll be useful for you.
