Selling an eBook With PayPal – Demystified!

Well, there you have it – the PotPieGirl tutorial on how to set up your eBook for sale online using PayPal buttons.

There are LOTS of ways to customize this process so you can do things like collect email addresses and have affiliates and offer re-curring charges (like a membership fee), but my goal here is to get you started and bust thru the fog of confusion.

We all have to start somewhere….and in a little over 2,100 words, I just got you empowered, educated, and on your way!

Now – get out there and sell some eBooks!



(this tutorial is a re-post of a resource found on my blog. naturally, I do have my own permission to reprint this content)

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SJ Premium
Thanks for another wonderful resource, PotPieGirl!
yo Premium

Quit dreaming, no one's gonna buy some stupid book, lol
lucas1982 Premium

Quit dreaming, no one's gonna buy some stupid book, lol
mikekellyonline Premium
Thanks so much! I've never even thought of selling an ebook online. Now I am empowered!!! I can't wait to have my very own product pulling in the dollars!!!
eddie robles Premium
Thanks so much! I've never even thought of selling an ebook online. Now I am empowered!!! I can't wait to have my very own product pulling in the dollars!!!