Make Your Backgrounds Disappear

In this piece, you’ll learn how to remove the background from online images. There are many ways to make an image transparent using Canva. Additionally, you will learn about some free web apps that allow you to do so.

Consider speed and ease of use when selecting a background removal tool. These are two crucial factors in digital marketing. Canva, I believe, is a fantastic tool that can make your life easier.

I will show you how to do it seamlessly using free and paid tools.

Sounds exciting? Let’s get started right away.

How to Remove the Background from a Picture

The benefits of removing background from images are endless. How can you tell if background removal from a picture is at a professional level?

Take a look at the image. If it appears genuine and clear, then you have done a great job. Check for any errors or flaws. If they have some, the image will look worse.

Most free background removing apps don’t offer professional results. However, I will recommend some online tools that allow you to remove the background from images well and for free.

Canva is one of the most versatile free tools on the market but Canva Pro is even better. It’s an effective tool that allows you to create your imagery as if you were a professional without actually being one.

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Harrysastar2 Premium
Hi. Lily, some of the family on holiday in Spain in Image 1. The same image with the background removed. in Image 2.

I used an online program called removebg. It's free to use, no need to install, and no plugin or tools required. Just upload your image and the background is automatically removed. Well worth having in your image editing toolbox!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely! Great photo.
MiracleW Premium
Thank you! I will do! Good info.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome.
Lily 😁🎶
JackMata1 Premium
Thank you Aussiemuso, nice work.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Great to hear Jack!
Zoopie Premium
Nice one Canva is cool.
Stephen 8~))
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
It's my favourite tool Stephen.
I can lose time playing there. Lol.

Lily 😁🎶
Zoopie Premium
When is your next YouTube coming out. I’m in the process of upgrading my gear. Thinking about going Hero 10 with the vlog mods.

Only about $400.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I posted another song last night.

Let me know what you think.
It's Someone to watch over me.

Lily 😁🎶🎶
muslimah Premium
Thank you for the information, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Muslimah.
