You will see the following screen. Check the box marked Pixels

The following screen will show you the current size of the picture. You can see this picture is under the 200 by 200 pixels that Street Articles requires your picture to be. We are only interested in the top two boxes. leave everything else as is.

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JaniceWatson Premium
Thank you Shawn. Just tried this out. So much easier.
Shawn Martin Premium
Glad to help out.
phaeton Premium
Thank you Shawn. That is so easy I do not know how I have been screwing this up for so long. Really appreciate this help. Peter
Shawn Martin Premium
You are welcome!
bryonbrewer Premium
I was using photoshop to resize but this is much easier
Shawn Martin Premium
Cool, I am glad you like it!
kendrickk Premium
Wonderful training and thanks for this training. It took me the same amount of time to resize as it took for me to read it. Awesome!
Shawn Martin Premium
great, glad it helps
yessharon Premium Plus
I see this question asked a lot. Once you learn the technique you can use it in many places.
Shawn Martin Premium
Yes and it is a free option.There are many options out there. I like paint because it is fast and easy and on most computers.