3. To Sell Ads Directly, Use a WordPress Advertising Plugin

Google AdSense is simple to set up but you are limited in the amount of money you can make. Earnings per ad click will vary. It can be more profitable to sell banner advertising space directly on your website.

You negotiate the terms and price of your banner ad space on your website, instead of relying on an intermediary who takes a cut.

I’ve already mentioned the differences between CPC ads and CPM ads. CPC ads are where you get paid per click and CPM ads will pay you per thousand impressions.

You could also use these models to sell banner ads but most bloggers charge flat rates. It is much easier to charge a flat fee than keep track of clicks or views.

However, selling ads directly requires more effort than using Google AdSense. You won't be able to add a little code to your site. Instead, you will need to negotiate the price, agree on terms, and complete administrative tasks like billing.

A WordPress ad management plugin may make it easier. AdSanity is a great option. It allows you to manage both Google AdSense and your own ads.

4. Publish Sponsored Posts on Your Blog

Bloggers may not be interested in showing ads to their readers and are curious about how to monetize blogs without advertising.

You lose some control over what content is displayed on your website when you use ad networks. Ads can be irritating or offensive to some readers. Ad-blocking software is becoming more popular, which could impact your earning potential.

Sponsorship works in the same way as it does on TV, sports, and other industries. A company pays you to promote their product and talk about it.

It's a good idea for you to create a media kit of one page. This includes information about your traffic stats, social media followers, and audience demographics that can make your site more attractive to advertisers. You can then approach companies to discuss a sponsorship deal.

It is important to be familiar with the laws in your region regarding disclosure when publishing sponsored posts.

A sponsored post in the United States must conform to the FTC Endorsement Guides. This includes disclosing when a post has been sponsored. You can do this by simply adding a sponsored prefix to your WordPress post title.

Next, write quality reviews.

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jn232 Premium
Loving this tutorial, Lily.
How different are Google Ad and Adsense? I always get confused by these two buddies, lol.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I would have to do some more research on that Joe as I'm totally organic atm.
Lily 😁🎶
davehayes Premium
Very useful training Lily, caught my eye because of the title. I have Adsense on my site currently, and also use banner promotion for both WA and Thrive, as they are the two best paying commission ventures I have come across.

Adsanity is a new one on me, do you have an affiliate link you can PM me with so you get some credit please
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Dave, that's great news.
I haven't a link for AdSanity but thanks for asking.
Great to see you here.

Lily 😁🎶
davehayes Premium
Thanks Lily, in that case I'll check it out in the directory at WordPress
RogerMackley Premium
Hello Lily, many more ways to create income streams, don't know about public speaking, I did at safety meetings and it made me sweat profusely, not a good speaker. Many ways you showed us, all good plans, most involve Word Press and plugins. Thanks for the valuable info.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Roger,
I know how you feel, I have done my share of public speaking. I'm always so nervous just before I start but if it's a subject I'm passionate about no problem. Performing as a musician still makes me nervous but I love doing that.

That's why a gave a selection of choices, we can't all be good at everything.
Thanks for the comment.

Warm regards,
Fidchy Premium
This is a good content even though there were no steps to step guide to help one who wants to effect the changes.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That is a good point Fidchy. I usually do those types of step-by-step guides on my business website and just cover one aspect.
PM me if you would like me to step you through one of the choices.

Proprov Premium
Thank you for the post. I'm not quite capable to put it to use.. yet but this will be in my holster for when I am! Awesome info!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks, Stephen,
You can bookmark it for when you are ready or you can refind it in training when the time comes.

Always here to help.

Proprov Premium
You are sooooo appreciated!!!
Thank you so much.
Blessings your way