Next you will need to check and make sure your focus keyword is in your post's url, for instance:

You can see, this post of mine contains it, in the last two words of the url. If yours does not yet, you need to fix that.

Then take a look at your content. It is best to write your focus keyword into the first sentence or, at the very least, in the second sentence of the opening paragraph. This is important because you want your post's meta description (the snippet that will show up on search listings) to read like the opening of your post and to have your focus keyword contained in it.

Examine your content, and modify as needed, so you can use the opening 156 characters (max) to go into the meta description which you enter here-

As you can see, I managed to get my first two sentences, the first of which contains my focus keyword, in just under the limit (4 characters left)

Now all you have to do is click on "Update" your post and, on the refreshed page, if you have done all these steps correctly, your SEO Check should show green with a "good" rating.

To have some fun, and see what searchers will see when they come across your listing, do an "incognito search" for your post.

Open up a new browser by clicking on the 3-horizontal bar icon in the far upper right corner of your current browser, then select "Private Window" from the drop down menu. This will give you a browser that is not prejudiced by your machine's cookies, thus allowing you to get the same results someone else on a different machine will get.

Here is my post, showing up in an incognito search, how it appears on Google Page 1, Item #1.

So there you have it! I hope you found some value from this training and, again, if you have not yet, please do me a favor and click on the green "Like This" button below.

Chow, y'all, happy site building and post SEO'ing!

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JohnRoesch Premium
Hi Marvin -

Great post - thank you! I don't see that on my All in One SEO pack either. Do you get that feature if and when you upgrade to Pro Version?
TheOldSilly Premium
Thanks, John. No, I don't have the Pro version of All in One, but my siterubix site (I use for testing stuff) doesn't have All in One installed, and I see the SEO Check feature is NOT in its post editor publishing options section, so I'm making a pragmatic guess of logic that installing All in One has something to do with it showing up.

It appears there may be some digging to do, and perhaps some others can chime in ... why are some people seeing the SEO Check feature, and others are not?
TheOldSilly Premium
John, refresh the page and read the edited version, first page. The answer is there.
TheOldSilly Premium
John, I figured out the matter. Refresh the page and read the edited version, first page. The answer is there.
LittleClaire Premium
Hey Marvin

Are you using All in One SEO Pack? I don't appear to have this option on any of my WP sites... am I missing something?

TheOldSilly Premium
Hmmm ... Claire, I do use All in One SEO, but I hadn't noticed this feature myself until after I had installed that plugin. Maybe it is not standard to WordPress, but shows up as part of what All in One SEO does?

But All in One SEO is a free and awesome plugin, so why not just activate it?

Can anyone else chime in on this? Whether or not the SEO Check feature in WordPress editor is contingent upon having All in One SEO?
LittleClaire Premium
Hi Marvin
I'm using All in One SEO Pack and it's activated :( I wondered if you were using a different SEO plugin.
I checked all three sites and they all look the same. Maybe I'll go and look at the settings and see if there's a box I've left unchecked somewhere.. will report back :)
LittleClaire Premium
Hmmm.. nope, can't see anything that might trigger it in the settings. And Google wasn't much help either. Maybe it's a theme thing?
TheOldSilly Premium
Claire, I just figured it out. It is a feature provided by the Wordpress Yoast SEO plugin. I just installed that in one of my test sites, and now the SEO Check feature is showing up in the site's post editor int the publication options section, just like the training shows.
LittleClaire Premium
Ah, I see! Well, glad we (you) got to the bottom of it! Thanks, Marvin. Maybe I will look into the Yoast plugin and think about switching over. How do they compare, in your opinion?
TheOldSilly Premium
Claire, refresh the page and read the edited version, first page. The answer is there.
TheOldSilly Premium
Claire, I use both. They compliment each other, each with certain features the other doesn't have. And yet they don't interfere with each other.
LittleClaire Premium
In that case, I shall definitely look into Yoast further.

Thanks for your help Marvin, much appreciated! :)

larryf20865 Premium
Thanks Old silly, just went over this and got most of my pages all green except the home page.
Now I think I know why!!
Good writing!!
TheOldSilly Premium
Welcome Larry, it's one of those AHA! moments when you suddenly realize what this thing can do, eh? lol
ROiiiY Premium
great stuff. I never noticed that.
larryf20865 Premium
OK Oldsilly, what you got next?
jvranjes Premium
No he is OldGreat from now on. Thanks Marvin.
larryf20865 Premium
LOL!! You're right!!
Old Great One thank you for your lessons!!
TheOldSilly Premium
TheOldSilly Premium
Maybe Old Silly the Great? hahahaha