Do you have passion for writing at all?

As a passionate blogger who loves writing, you have the feasibility to maximize your revenue potentials by regularly publishing eBooks using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

As you publish content regularly on your site, you equally earn extra revenue by publishing eBooks on Amazon KDP.

You'll discover that you're making lots of money doing what you love doing and earning revenue having fun.

You'll be selling ordinary eBooks for a token while the prime eBooks will be sold at higher prices and your books are listed for sale across Amazon stores in the states and the rest of the world where Amazon stores are located.

Your eBooks which only takes you a few minutes can reach millions of potential buyers at Amazon stores worldwide.

You can alternatively convert your eBooks into podcasts. You can equally print your books in paperbacks and lots more.

Why Must You Self Publish eBooks On Amazon KDP?

  • Your books are published without spending a dime.
  • You publish eBooks and quickly reach thousands of readers who are potential buyers from all parts of the world.
  • You have your eBooks distributed round the Amazon stores across the states and the rest of the world.
  • Your eBooks are published in few minutes and can be printed in paperbacks.
  • You are assigned a unique ISBN number upon publishing every piece of your books.
  • You enroll in KDP and make more money via the Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners' Lending Library.
  • Your royalty is up to 70% of the sales and you earn in lifetime.
  • You can always click on any of your eBooks and edit straight away.
  • You can print paperbacks for your published and unpublished books without spending a dime.
  • You are in total control of your eBooks from day to day.


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1signbanner Premium
Great stuff my friend! You are going places here!
Israel17 Premium
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Israel17 Premium
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ElaineSmith1 Premium
Great job!!

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
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codevonish Premium
Cannot or stand a better chance?
onmyownterms Premium
It's only an opinion - supported by strong arguments, but then again, never say never.
Israel17 Premium
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Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your message onmyownterms!