Facebook boost allows you to promote your business page for a budget that you set. When you create a business page, or new posts, these will flow to people's news feeds organically based on the target words that represent your site. While growing content over time will help you reach a higher number of feeds, you can "boost" your page/posts with their built in Ad platform.

When you start a boost campaign, you will select from a number of choices, to narrow down who you would like to target. You will also select a time frame and budget. You can then watch, and monitor, the results from your boosted ad.

You may have noticed boosted posts in your own Facebook feed when you see the "sponsored" message.

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Thank you for this useful tutorial, my friend

Maxine :)
MisterReen Premium
Thank you, this helps me
Jeg12 Premium
Hey There
Thank you for this information. I was thinking about it, but was not sure if it would work.