Once your add campaign is completed, you will get a new button that says "View Results". You will also notice live results on the post/page as the Ad is ongoing.

Click this button to receive a details list of how many people your ad actually reached, as well as how many likes, shares, clicks it generated.

This will help you determine if you are spending your money in the right way, or if it is worth it for you to continue. You can also add additional budget, duration, to a boost once it has finished.

Once you reach 30 likes on your page, you will get access to Facebook Insight, which gives you more detailed results about your internet campaign.

Boosting can be a good way to draw some initial likes and traffic, which in turn can help your rankings and boost your free (organic) traffic in the future!

Happy posting! Good Luck!

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Thank you for this useful tutorial, my friend

Maxine :)
MisterReen Premium
Thank you, this helps me
Jeg12 Premium
Hey There
Thank you for this information. I was thinking about it, but was not sure if it would work.