3) Clean Your WordPress database

    Your database is your baby, it is the warehouse for all your content, settings, user profiles and your comments. As your work increase so also a lot of unwanted junk data will increase. As such, your file size will also increase.

    It will impact on the speed of processing. Cleaning up your database often will help improve the overall working condition of your system. A good plugin for achieving this is the WP-optimize plugin. I must introduce how it works.

    The first thing is to create a backup for your WordPress site. We have discussed initially. After which you can start by installing the plugin and activating it. Upon activation the plugin shows up in your dashboard, you can go to its settings and run it.

    It will help optimize your database and show you as it progresses.

    4) Remove Broken Links

      Links that are not available any longer are referred to as broken links. It happens due to a wide range of factors, either the website relocated to another domain or any other hosting related issues. For external links, the best thing is to remove them. But for internal links, you can easily look into the situation and fix it.

      The problem with broken links is that they cause poor user experience and increase your website bounce rate. As such it is good you check your website often for broken links and fix them.

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      ManieT Premium
      Very clear illustrated points. Thank you!
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Manie

      I appreciate your kind words

      Israel17 Premium
      Thanks for this amazing tutorial, Ayodeji! I strongly agreed with you on fixing or repairing broken links. This will help build fantastic user experience for your blog.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium

      Yes Israel, creating a good user experience is very vital

      Edubosah Premium
      Great points to follow, I think I will try backup my website. Thanks Ayodeji
      Parameter Premium

      You ned to backup your website. It is highly essential

      1Rudy1 Premium
      Thanks, Ayodeji! Great tips about maintaining the website.
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Rudy,

      Hope you are good today?

      MAXINEG Premium
      Thank you for the helpful tips on how to maintain my website, Ayojedi Owoeye.

      Best regards,
      Parameter Premium
      You are welcome Maxine. I am glad you found it useful
