1) Back up your website

Although there are different forms of security on the internet, backing up your resources is very important. In case of any issue, if your website is properly backed up you will be able to restore your files. It is a good form of protection from both hackers and sudden system brake down.

When it comes to WordPress website backup, there is not just one way to kill the cat. You can backup your website using WordPress plugins, your host backup system or third party solutions. I will briefly take a look at using plugins. This is the easiest and most widely used.

Using Plugins for Backup

Let us get it straight, the whole essence of backing up your file is moving it from its present location and storing it in another location. This way it is believed to have a save duplicate in case of emergencies.

Various plugins can help achieve this, while some are free others are paid. An example of a free plugin is BackWPup. It will move your fill and store in a save place like Dropbox. So doing you can access your files when needed.

Worth noting is that some times this backup plugin may stop working without notification, as such it is good you run a check.

2) Change Your Passwords

    I learnt how to keep my passwords save those days I worked in the finance house. They are your first shield against identity theft. To build a good password, you must incorporate text, numbers and unique characters. Also, you need to insert the upper and lower case keys.

    In case you work in an open environment, you should change your password regularly.

    As your activities increases, the number of websites you attend to will also increase. You have different emails, social media, WordPress, all with different passwords.

    Managing these complex passwords with multiple sites could be a lot complicated. But there is a way out

    You can use a Password Manager.

    A password manager will help you manage your entire password with a master password. It can help you generate a strong password that will be warehoused in the cloud.

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    ManieT Premium
    Very clear illustrated points. Thank you!
    Parameter Premium

    Thank you Manie

    I appreciate your kind words

    Israel17 Premium
    Thanks for this amazing tutorial, Ayodeji! I strongly agreed with you on fixing or repairing broken links. This will help build fantastic user experience for your blog.

    Israel Olatunji
    Parameter Premium

    Yes Israel, creating a good user experience is very vital

    Edubosah Premium
    Great points to follow, I think I will try backup my website. Thanks Ayodeji
    Parameter Premium

    You ned to backup your website. It is highly essential

    1Rudy1 Premium
    Thanks, Ayodeji! Great tips about maintaining the website.
    Parameter Premium

    Thank you Rudy,

    Hope you are good today?

    MAXINEG Premium
    Thank you for the helpful tips on how to maintain my website, Ayojedi Owoeye.

    Best regards,
    Parameter Premium
    You are welcome Maxine. I am glad you found it useful
