Selecting Easy Content to Write

The next piece of advice is to choose content that is easy to write about. Do not try and write content for your niche or Wealthy Affiliate website that involves time-intensive video editing and lots of screen shots. Plan to do content that is simple to write while still being engaging and helpful to your readers. That being said, I want to caution you to not compose content that is simply a filler for the day. You need to make your article worthwhile so that you are still adding value to your website – just not so labor intense for you to compile.

Here are some ideas of what you can write about which will not require much research or video editing:

  • Writing personal stories which relate to your specific niche. There is no need to do research on yourself, because you are already an expert on that subject. Talk about things like why you use this particular product or any early childhood story that ties into your niche. If your niche is pets, talk about some of the pets you had as a child and the funny things they did. If your niche is cosmetic make-up, write about when you were a little girl and you played dress up and how it made you feel (like a princess, etc).
  • No matter what your niche is, you can probably give advice on social media marketing. Write an article about Pinterest sharing some boards that relate to your niche. People are very visual and would no doubt find some popular imagery relevant to your niche to be very appealing. And you might be able to get additional followers to your social media connections which would mean more traffic to your website. Use the opportunity to promote your social media links that pertain to your website and niche and explain the reasons why they should follow you on Twitter, G+, etc.
  • You no doubt have read books about your niche, so choose a book you read and can remember well enough to write a book review on it. You will not have to re-read it if you remember it well enough, so that saves you time. And if you are an Amazon Affiliate, you can perhaps find the book on Amazon and link to it thru your affiliate links.

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Mike-Writes Premium
Thanks for an excellent tutorial, Steph. I especially like the idea of using the timer. Great advice! :)
stephhill Premium Plus
Thanks Mike. I am glad you enjoyed it. I think the Timer is a great tool as well.
mybiz4u Premium
Awesome reminder Steph
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you Michelle. I hope all is going well so far.
DreamAngel Premium
Great post Stephanie! Thanks for sharing!

stephhill Premium Plus
Thanks Barbara. I hope all is going well so far.
Toshmack Premium
Many thanks, Steph, great content and time taken.
I'll have to pull my socks up once I am on par with you guys and gals :)
That's if I don't crack under the strain, lol ;-)
stephhill Premium Plus
Hi Tosh:

I am sure you will not crack under the strain. LOL!

StepChook Premium
Thanks Steph. I like the idea of using a timer. It reminds me of a technique we use at the office, called the "Pomodoro" technique. It's all about blocking off time where you can work undisturbed.

Great training!
stephhill Premium Plus
Yep. I have heard of that. The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, like for instance 25 minutes in length and is separated by short breaks. These intervals are named pomodoros. Am I right?
StepChook Premium
Spot on, Steph. It really works quite well, actually.
stephhill Premium Plus
That is awesome. :)
ownonlboss Premium
reminds me of the days of anti-mousearm software. They also broke it down in shorter and longer work moments.. with breaks where you couldn't use your pc anymore as you had to go for a walk or an exercise ;-)