9. Embed video, info-graphics and block quotes to keep the reader interested.

Each one of these things can break up otherwise jumbled text. Just make sure what you include adds value and relates to the article.

It makes no sense to embed a cat video when you are talking about SEO or brain surgery.

Keep it relevant.

A simple search on YouTube can uncover valuable resources to add to your article. Just make sure you have rights to use the video. The ‘Standard YouTube License’ allows you post the video on your site.

A great tool to create Infographics is Canva.com. You can sign up for a free membership. This gives you just about everything you need to get the job done.

10. Link to other content.

Make sure you link to related content on your own blog or website. This is great for SEO purposes, and it keeps your readers on your site longer. This not only helps SEP, but it also bonds the reader to you. It will make them want to come back if they know you have resources they find interesting.

You can also link 'out' to other content. Just make sure you aren't giving traffic away. The goal is to provide value, so if it adds to what you are writing about, then consider this.

11. Link to products and resources that will add value and help the reader.

I assume you are writing and posting articles to sell stuff. That’s what affiliate marketing is about - selling other people's stuff.

To do this effectively, we have to send people to the stuff we are writing about. Sounds simple, right?

Well, it can be quite complicated.

There are definitely times come out and ask for the sale. That happens AFTER you have done a great job of convincing the reader they need the product.

Most of the time, however, our selling has to be creative. We need to link to the products we are selling in subtle ways. Most readers are reading for information.

There is a difference in someone buying a product, and someone being sold a product. One of my mentors was fond of saying, ‘People love to buy, they just hate being sold!’ He was right.

When you sell, make your offer through subtle links to products until the close. That’s when you go for the direct sell.

Key point is to link to products so the reader can check them out. That part is simple.

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KatieMac Premium
Great pointers currently on one of my sites it is averaging 28/30% read always good to look for ways to improve thank you
DouglasNolan Premium
You're welcome Katie!
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks for creating.
DouglasNolan Premium
Thanks Mel