12. Use stories and examples to explain key points.

People love stories. Facts are important. But putting those facts into a story will help you sell the concept you are presenting.

When I was doing research on this subject, I ran across an article by Greg Satell called ‘The Power of Story’. The article was published in Forbes Magazine in August of 2015. Greg cites a study how jurors were more receptive to witnesses who related stories, than those who merely offered facts.

Greg states:

The study found that jurors considered experts that had a personal clinical experience far more credible than those that merely offered an analysis of the relevant facts, even if they were shown that a data driven approach is more accurate. In other words, the jurors needed a story.

Did you see what I just did? I used a story to tell you the value of using a story. No, it’s not brilliant but it does make a point.

13. Give a summary at the end.

The best way to wrap up your article is to remind them of the key things they've learned and read. Bullet points are great for this.

It comes back to the old adage: Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you just told them.

Don't worry. You may think this is redundant, but studies have proven that this technique works.

Plus, they most likely will skim over this. That's why bullets are great for summarizing. Readers may see a summary point and realize they missed a crucial piece of information in the article.

14. Have a VERY CLEAR call to action.

What do you want them to do after they read the article?

Once you answer that, tell them. Don't be shy. Don't muddy the waters. Don't 'hem-haw' around. Don't try to be slick and clever. And certainly don't expect them to figure it out. Just tell them what you want them to do.

By the time they are finished reading the article, they are ready. So don't leave them hanging.

If you want them to download a report. Tell them.

"Now that you've finished reading this article, click on the big green button below and download a free report on XYZ."

  • Tell them what to do.
  • Tell them how to do it.

Don't assume they know what the signup form is there for. Never, ever assume. Tell them.

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KatieMac Premium
Great pointers currently on one of my sites it is averaging 28/30% read always good to look for ways to improve thank you
DouglasNolan Premium
You're welcome Katie!
onmyownterms Premium
Thanks for creating.
DouglasNolan Premium
Thanks Mel