3) Watch the Length of your Subject Line

Your email heading should be enticing, just like a newspaper heading. The length of your email headline should depend on what you want to achieve.

Adestra showed a summary of a study by Return-path, they showed that open rates were higher by 12.5%, for subject lines that are less than 49 characters, when compared with those that are 50 characters and above. While the click-through rate for the shorter subject line was above 75%.

Also, they established Alchemy Worx's assertion that emails with less than 70 characters were the most opened and also Mail Chimp founding that the subject line with 50 characters and below was more effective.

I think I take side with lyfemarketing, if you desire a proper read-through of your mails, keep your headlines simple and short

4) Offer Free Valuable Content

It is not good enough to gather email addresses, you must gain their trust. One easy way to help them trust you is by offering valuable content.

Offer it, yes, for free.

Giving away valuable content for free will go a long way to improve your relationship with your subscribers. Free tools will help increase the open and click-through rate of your emails.

You can always do it this way:

  • Always use give-away that is of value to your niche, your subscribers will find it appealing
  • Create a contest, give rewards for just sharing your contest. Be honest and keep to your words
  • Follow up with those who have joined your contest, encourage them to do more by bringing in more people.
  • Ensure you get the following right
  1. The way you promote the contests
  2. The mails sent to them to promote your contest
  3. The item you promise to give away
  4. Finally, be honest; remember you are building a brand.

In conclusion, Following the four highlights above, you will engage the best practice that will produce a change in your email marketing. I agree that maintaining a good email marketing techniques can be a lot of work, you leverage the services of email marketing companies. There are a lot of them in the market.

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    Ahimbe Premium
    Great information on email marketing.
    Thank you for sharing this training.
    Parameter Premium

    You welcome

    emimos12 Premium
    Great training, indeed is the best way to connect to potential customers, this statement is true; email marketing techniques that will help increase your return on investment and properly engage your audience.Keep rocking.
    Parameter Premium

    Thank you.

    You got the key point

    Dorrie1 Premium Plus
    Thank You for the advice and information
    Parameter Premium

    You welcome

    MElumir Premium
    This is great, Thanks for your share expertise, by the way, do we have to purchase this technology? where can we find the emails list? thank you
    Parameter Premium

    Thank you very much,

    You don't need to buy an email list,

    All you need to do is sign-up with an email marketing company like Aweber, Getresponse, etc

    many of them charge for a monthly subscription. With there services, you can build an email list.
