We have all heard the term “Content is King” and because search engines thrive on fresh unique content, it is that content that will ultimately lead to better rankings. When your content is well written and includes keywords and phrases that people who search on Google are looking for, you will be offering a better user experience (UX) and Google will reward you for it.
The most important of these factors from the SEO Infographic on the previous page are the Cq and Cr factors. Cq = Content Quality and what that basically means is that your pages and posts need to be written as informative as possible. You want to make sure that it gives your readers what they are looking for.
Cr = Content Research is the process of doing keyword research that is relevant to the content you are writing. Did you research the keywords that people would normally type into the search engines to find your content? Will people be able to find your content based on their queries?
These two are the most important but these following three are important too and they are Cw, Ce, and Cf. Let me briefly touch on each of these too. Cw = Content Words and these are words that are related to your keywords but are not the actual keyword. This is also known as LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing).
EXAMPLE: Let us say your keyword was External Drive (in relation to computers). The LSI words would be: USB Drive, Thumb Drive, Portable Storage Device, Media Storage, Flash Drive, or Flash Media. All of these LSI words are related to your keyword of External Drive. Search engines can pick up on these words when indexing.
Ce = Content Engage and this means basically as you would think. Is your content engaging enough to keep the interest of your website reader instead of them just quickly leaving? And Cf = Content Fresh which means that the content is unique, new, exciting and not old rehashed content.
NEXT UP = HTML and Architecture ranking factors