3. Where to Find Good Talent

    When it comes to finding talents, I tell people “you get what you pay for”. There is no hard rule for it, but you have to spend some time searching for good hands.

    The first point is within your business friends or group. Ask people within your niche or business unit. They would have hired somebody somewhere who delivered a good job promptly. Be specific when asking for recommendations. Tell your friends you need someone who has worked for them and who did a good job. Let them know you are not asking for the relatives.

    Another good point is looking into freelancing platforms like Freelancer or Fiverr. The advantage here is the ability to see the ratings of others who have hired these freelancers before. You have to be mindful of something here, the platform will earn a part of what you are paying the freelancer.

    Lastly, you can find freelancers from groups like Reddit, Facebook, and lots more. Be careful here, exercise caution.

    4. Test the Freelancer.

      It is not about just hiring a freelancer. You need to determine if he or she can do the job. The easiest way is asking for previous projects he or she has executed. Next thing is reviewing these projects.

      In case, you know little about the project, seek assistant. Ask a friend or someone within your niche to help with evaluating the submitted projects.

      Irrespective of what you are hiring for, ensure you request for past jobs. A reliable freelancer should have completed orders.

      5. Hire A new Hand

        After this process, you must have found the right hand to carry out your required tasks. Already you have marked out the required task.

        It is time to draw out an agreement on you’re their task, you can check the net for some templates, but most essential is a non-disclosure agreement. You will not want some work details flying around. Another important form of agreement is that guaranteeing that he or she will get the work done promptly and that you will pay. This you can always get online too.

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        richardgb Premium
        Hey Ayodeji
        Yet another useful post that‘ll come in real handy when I am ready for it. Thank you.
        Parameter Premium

        you welcome Richard. I am glad you found it interesting and worth keeping for the future.

        Jessiefido Premium Plus
        Hi Ayodeji,

        I would love to hire a freelancer personally, but am not sure if this is the right time for me at the moment.

        I will definitely keep all this information you have provided for when the time is right.

        Thanks for yet another highly appreciated piece of training my friend.
        Parameter Premium

        Hi Nick, it is always a step at a time. When the time comes to hire a freelancer, your volume of content and other activities will point to it.

        You will know that the task is becoming overbearing. Thank you for the time taken to see the training

        Jessiefido Premium Plus
        Very true Ayodeji, thanks for your insight my friend.
        Kingschido Premium
        Thanks Ayodeji for sharing this blog post. It is quite informative.
        Parameter Premium

        Thank you Kings, I am glad you found it engaging

        Israel17 Premium
        What a great tutorial, Ayodeji! Many bloggers do get busy with other projects and so may not have enough time to blog properly. This is where freelancing comes in. At a little extra charge, you can count on a trusted freelancer to take over the routine and help move your business forward.

        Israel Olatunji
        Parameter Premium

        You are very correct Israel, I like the phrase "Trusted Freelancer". Following the outlined routine, finding one will not be too difficult.
