1. Itemize what you want to achieve (Scope of Work)

    What do you want to achieve? Here is the starting point. You should identify and itemize what you want to be done for you. If you want someone to work for and with you, you must identify what you want him or her to do for you.

    Is he/she going to write articles, work on your website optimization, or social media engagement? If it is writing articles, on which of your niches, how many words per job do you want. Your scope of work should be detailed enough to tell the required duties, hours required to carry out each task, skills required, and an insight into your company.

    Based on your request and description, the freelancer can ascertain if he or she is the best for the job. They can determine how much they will charge, how long each job will take, and lots more.

    2. How much are you will pay (Set a Budget)

      When it comes to learning how to hire a freelancer online, you must understand how to determine your cost. Costing a job depends on a lot of factors. X can do a job for 10dollars, while Y does the same for S100. There is a lot to be considered when deciding on how much to pay a freelancer

      The first thing to do is inquire from co-business owners within your niche on their cost of hiring a freelancer. Find out what other business owners are paying to achieve the same set of tasks you have highlighted. During this process, you might get someone from your network to recommend a trustworthy freelancer.

      Like I said initially, what they charge depends on a lot of factors. First experience and skill is one determining factor, other factors can include location and platforms.

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      richardgb Premium
      Hey Ayodeji
      Yet another useful post that‘ll come in real handy when I am ready for it. Thank you.
      Parameter Premium

      you welcome Richard. I am glad you found it interesting and worth keeping for the future.

      Jessiefido Premium Plus
      Hi Ayodeji,

      I would love to hire a freelancer personally, but am not sure if this is the right time for me at the moment.

      I will definitely keep all this information you have provided for when the time is right.

      Thanks for yet another highly appreciated piece of training my friend.
      Parameter Premium

      Hi Nick, it is always a step at a time. When the time comes to hire a freelancer, your volume of content and other activities will point to it.

      You will know that the task is becoming overbearing. Thank you for the time taken to see the training

      Jessiefido Premium Plus
      Very true Ayodeji, thanks for your insight my friend.
      Kingschido Premium
      Thanks Ayodeji for sharing this blog post. It is quite informative.
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Kings, I am glad you found it engaging

      Israel17 Premium
      What a great tutorial, Ayodeji! Many bloggers do get busy with other projects and so may not have enough time to blog properly. This is where freelancing comes in. At a little extra charge, you can count on a trusted freelancer to take over the routine and help move your business forward.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium

      You are very correct Israel, I like the phrase "Trusted Freelancer". Following the outlined routine, finding one will not be too difficult.
