# This little pound sign is no longer just used to confirm a number when dealing with an automated voice message. It is used on social media to connect people with similar interests.

The hashtag has become synonymous with social media sites; especially Twitter that started it all. Whenever you use a hashtag to post a picture of text, you allow way more people to view your comment than just your followers and friends.

Let's say you create a post about selling products on eBay, and you add a hashtag or # to the word eBay. This now allows anyone searching for the word eBay to view your post!

Check out this tweet I just posted and how it appears for everyone to see under the hashtag #ebay.

Using a hashtag in your posts is very useful and can help your website and Twitter profile gain a ton of exposure to people in your niche for free.

Just make sure not to go hashtag crazy because it can turn some people off. Try to make your hashtags make sense and include them into your post.

Well I hope you found this Twitter training useful. I know a lot of people downplay Twitter, but I receive a lot of traffic from Twitter. And if it's free to use, you might as well take advantage of it. However if you would like more exposure, you can use Twitter Ads... but that's a whole other training for another day!

Best of luck guys and I wish you success!


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JayMulban Premium
Thanks a mil Diana. I found this training very useful and have bookmarked it :)

regards Jay
dlibreros Premium
I am glad you have bookmarked it Jay. There's are just a few tasks I have applied over the last two years that work. And now Twitter has analytics where you can track the reach your tweets have.

Best of luck,
dlibreros Premium
I am glad you have bookmarked it Jay. There's are just a few tasks I have applied over the last two years that work. And now Twitter has analytics where you can track the reach your tweets have.

Best of luck,
johnwnewman Premium
Great training on the basics of Twitter!
dlibreros Premium
Thank you John.
dlibreros Premium
Thank you John.
krazykat Premium
Thank you! This is a really great tutorial for us old timers who don't know the difference between a twit and a tweet. LOL. I'm the twit, but this will sure help me tweet. Thanks so much! Great job!
dlibreros Premium
Haha. Nonsense. I'm glad you got to benefit from it and learn a few things. Best of luck.
NancyBeattie Premium
How would you go about creating a second Twitter account if you already have one? I have one I barely use, but maybe I should have one for my niche. Also, should you have multiple for multiple niches?
dlibreros Premium
If you barely use the one you have now, then yes, you could surely use it for your niche instead of creating a new one. As far as having multiple Twitter accounts, you can have them by using different email addresses. For example the one you created for your site. I currently have two Twitter accounts; one for my make money online niche and one for my video game niche.
BelieveItYes Premium
I love #s! lol. but I heard if you overuse them search engines will "punish" you for it lol.. I guess it's a matter of balance, like everything else!
Great training, thanks for sharing
dlibreros Premium
Yes it's true. That's why you have to limit yourself. When I first started using Twitter to grow my business, I would hashtag EVERY word. Then I found out it could hurt me; plus it wasn't really providing results. LOL So now I've cut back. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck.

BelieveItYes Premium
I would do exactly the same lol