Since Twitter has been around for almost a decade, it is safe to say that many of you already have a Twitter account. But I assure you that you do not want to combine your business tweets with your personal tweets. So the best thing to do is start from scratch and create a new Twitter account strictly for sharing your website content and growing your online business.

First, you need to create an account; and this is fairly simple. All you need to do is fill out your name, email, and password. After that's completed, Twitter will send you a confirmation email to verify your account.

The next step is setting up your account. Twitter will recommend you follow a few musicians, actors, and public figures. I suggest skipping that for now because this account is all about promoting your niche; not the latest news on the Kardashian family.

When setting up your Twitter account, all you need is to add a profile image, your location, and a short about you paragraph. Here you can elaborate on what it is you do, and how you plan on helping people within your niche. Lastly, don't forget to include your website's link; so every time someone views your profile, they are exposed to your website as well.

Next we are moving on to Tweeting, Following, and the Power of the Hashtag!

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JayMulban Premium
Thanks a mil Diana. I found this training very useful and have bookmarked it :)

regards Jay
dlibreros Premium
I am glad you have bookmarked it Jay. There's are just a few tasks I have applied over the last two years that work. And now Twitter has analytics where you can track the reach your tweets have.

Best of luck,
dlibreros Premium
I am glad you have bookmarked it Jay. There's are just a few tasks I have applied over the last two years that work. And now Twitter has analytics where you can track the reach your tweets have.

Best of luck,
johnwnewman Premium
Great training on the basics of Twitter!
dlibreros Premium
Thank you John.
dlibreros Premium
Thank you John.
krazykat Premium
Thank you! This is a really great tutorial for us old timers who don't know the difference between a twit and a tweet. LOL. I'm the twit, but this will sure help me tweet. Thanks so much! Great job!
dlibreros Premium
Haha. Nonsense. I'm glad you got to benefit from it and learn a few things. Best of luck.
NancyBeattie Premium
How would you go about creating a second Twitter account if you already have one? I have one I barely use, but maybe I should have one for my niche. Also, should you have multiple for multiple niches?
dlibreros Premium
If you barely use the one you have now, then yes, you could surely use it for your niche instead of creating a new one. As far as having multiple Twitter accounts, you can have them by using different email addresses. For example the one you created for your site. I currently have two Twitter accounts; one for my make money online niche and one for my video game niche.
BelieveItYes Premium
I love #s! lol. but I heard if you overuse them search engines will "punish" you for it lol.. I guess it's a matter of balance, like everything else!
Great training, thanks for sharing
dlibreros Premium
Yes it's true. That's why you have to limit yourself. When I first started using Twitter to grow my business, I would hashtag EVERY word. Then I found out it could hurt me; plus it wasn't really providing results. LOL So now I've cut back. Thanks for stopping by and best of luck.

BelieveItYes Premium
I would do exactly the same lol