Then you can purchase the image for 1 USD (one time use) but before you do that read the Learn more about our licensing options to better understand how you can use that image (shortly: you have 24h to make changes to your design and download it again, after that it will be watermarked again, at least this is how I have understood it.)

My personal advice is to first download a watermarked draft and see if it goes well for your website and make changes if needed, only after that purchase the one time use license. I say this because I did first choose 150px * 150px design and did purchase the image and didn't know how to change it afterwards to 200px * 200px so I needed to purchase it again.

That's it!

I hope this was useful to you!

Best wishes Maria

If you would like to see what I have done with canva for only 2 USD take a look my header image...

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Charlesplay Premium
Hi, any idea what should be an ideal image size in WordPress? I find myself having to drag an image to make it larger...

nightwatch Premium
I make my images at least as wide as the content area on my blog. Every theme is different in this respect though. What I also do is make a lot of images 800 pixels wide and let Wordpress resize them for display on my blog. I can then use those 800 pixel-wide images on social media without having to create different sized images.
Charlesplay Premium
Many thanks! Will give this a try...
madelainelee Premium
Nice! Thanks for the training! :)
marianetlife Premium
You are welcome;)